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The chart shows that many things that Obama has been doing has been causing his popularity to decline since the day that he took office. People were probably just too afraid to say anything about Obama. And if this is the case, then the “acting stupidly” remark was the straw that broke the camel’s back with respect to people finally speaking up and criticizing Obama.

Lynn Sweet, the Chicago Sun Times reporter who asked the Gates’ question at Obama’s press conference, may have problems of her own. Rasmussen asked if it was right to even ask the question, and 43% of all respondents said no with 41% saying it was okay. When it came to Blacks, though, it was a different story. 58% thought Sweet should not have asked the question, with only 28% thinking she should. Ironically, Ms. Sweet may be learning a bit more about racial profiling than she bargained for.

It was a planted question obviously. It was an answer not from the teleprompter but off the cuff and from Obama’s beliefs. You all got a brief moment of insight that Baghdad Bob Gibbs cannot explain away with his usual smoke and mirrors crap.

Take a big bite America. Savor that taste. He is a racist. His closest Friends are racists. When George Wallace ran for President, I would not have voted for him. I did not vote
for Obama either.

53% of America bought off on the clever marketing and put a racist in the highest office in the land. The New Racism. Led by an angry minority spokesman and power hungry Democrats/Socialists that will remain in office, waste your Great Grand Children’s future with their Agenda.

Wake Up America!
Or let it All just slip away… because it will…

71% of blacks support him. The bloom is coming off the rose, as blacks broke for Obama 96%-4% in the election.

The American people were conned…or rather, allowed themselves to be conned…by Obama’s supposed moderation during the 2008 campaign.

The problem for Obama is that it’s 2009, he’s been sworn in as president-not lead campaigner-and so a lot of pressure is now on him to deliver. So far, he’s only delivered to the left. That leaves a lot of his former supporters feeling cheated by Obambi. This is not the adorable benign senator they thought they knew.

I’m with Old Trooper (#3) on this:
“*It was a planted question obviously”

That’s what I thought right from the get go I watched Obama’s press conference and I distinctly remember him saying he gave a quick answer to the last question so he could get to ‘Sweet’s question’.

Meanwhile, at the Obama bunker….

Obama (playing with a familiar looking doll)

“Ohhhhhhhh Sarah, how I lust for you. You slutty little vixen. One flash of those glasses and I’m sweating like a nerd on the Star Trek movie set.”

“I want you Sarah (picks up another doll that looks like him and presses it up to the Palin doll). I need you Sarah. If Carville can have Matlin, then I can have you.”

(making a mocking, female voice)….”Oh no, no, no Barry, what would Michelle think? What of the press?”

“To hell with the press and to hell with that jackass of a wife. I only want you Sarah.”






(Obama making mock kissing sounds)

“I know your type wench,” quipps Obama, “you’re like a Jewish American Princess with hip waders. And the one thing I know about Jewish American Princesses is that they lust for power and money, and baby, I GOT BOTH.”

(mocking female voice again)

“Ohhhhhh, Barry. How can I resist your animal charms. Take me Barry…TAKE ME NOW. Do me like a piece of white-cracker-trash!!!”

(Axelrod enters the room)

“ehhh, what’s going on here?”

(Obama leans over on the desk hiding the dolls).

“David, how many times have I’ve told you NOT to enter my study without knocking!!!”

“Sorry sir, I didn’t see you playing with your dolls. I’ll come back later.”

(Axelrod leaves)

(Obama, realizing that the charade is over, and that Axelrod will spill the beans to his coffee buddies, gets upset)


For whatever it is worth…my Liberal-as-anyone-can-be neighbor was busy scraping off his Obama-Biden bumpersticker this afternoon…said he didn’t really want to discuss but the whole condemnation of an individual as guilty — before the facts — by a sitting President, especially one who professes to be a student of the constitution, is very dangerous and could ruin the individual’s life or incite physical harm to the person and/or his family.

I asked if he had ever read any of Saul Alinsky’s writings and walked away. . .mumbling, I told you so!


That’s enough to make me puke.

@American Voter: That’s a good story! I imagine there are quite a few similar accounts across the country.

@Old Trooper:

Obama DID know that Lynn Sweet would ask a question as they told her to have one ready:

The White House pre-selects WHO will ask questions ahead of time and informs them. That’s something that no previous president has done.

I see a lot fewer obama stickers on cars than I used to. It seems the only people still “flying” them are those too lazy to remove them, or moonbats.


Here in Los Angeles, they are still everywhere. And I don’t think it has to do with laziness, but pride. Even funnier are the “Kerry/Edwards” stickers.

Instead of the “City of Angels”, it should be nicknamed “City of Moonbats”.


Grin 🙂

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

“Presidents was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

Shamelessly stolen from American Digest

Obama is demonstrating he has no:

Experience, and

No Judgement.

He falls way, way short of being unbiased.

“*Mike’s America #10
“*Obama DID know that Lynn Sweet would ask a question as they told her to have one ready:

So seems like Obama got what he wanted …. a distraction from his failing health care.
Can I hopefully look forward to more distractions like that ? 😉
“*Aye Chihuahua #14

From President Reagan to President Obama via chocolate:
When I get a box of chocolates there’s a few I love (can’t get enough of those), there’s some I like, there’s some I aint too keen on but I eat them anyway and there’s always one or two I wouldn’t eat if I were starving and they get thrown out with the box.

Gibbs admitted on Fox News Sunday that Obama had been prepared for a Gates question. He either went off script or, his powers that be wanted to create a distraction or, his powers that be are as tone deaf as the puppet in chief. But, they don’t seem to want it to go away and are keeping it alive in the press with the “beer garden/ teachable moment” “planned event.”

I would guess, given past history, everything presented from team “O” was scripted (including the question)…which even though it has caused more trouble than they probably expected, it successfully got everybody OFF the topic of the cratering economy and Obamacare.

As far as Gates goes….HE is the one who introduced race into this entire event. I had neighbors upstairs (white neighbors) who broke into their own apt cause they locked themselves out (went in via fire escape window), and the cops came right away. Their reaction was to be embarrassed and apologized profusely to the cops for dragging them away from more important things. They apologized to neighbors for the disturbance. And they promptly provided anything the cops wanted…which let the cops know right away…everything was ok.

I think next time Gates calls the cops (his house had already been broken into..which is why his front door didn’t work properly), they should say….sorry Mr Gates…we don’t have any black officers with lawyers available to come to your house.

I decided a long time ago that Obama perceives himself as president of blacks and latinos, and definitely not whitey. He’s all about getting even with whitey and making him pay. With the Gates incident, people are seeing he is a racist. Hopefully, they’ll soon start calling him what he is – a Marxist!

Why is anyone surprised? He wore a White Sox jacket at the All Star game. He should not show any favortisim towards any one group. When the telepromter is off, his IQ drops 50 points!