Democratic Party Imploding


House healthcare negotiations dissolved in acrimony on Friday, with Blue Dog Democrats saying they were “lied” to by their Democratic leaders.

The seven Blue Dogs on the Energy and Commerce Committee stormed out of a Friday meeting with their committee chairman, Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), saying Waxman had been negotiating in bad faith over a number of provisions Blue Dogs demanded be changed in the stalled healthcare bill.

I’ve been lied to,” Blue Dog Coalition Co-Chairman Charlie Melancon (D-La.) said on Friday. “We have not had legitimate negotiations.

“Mr. Waxman has decided to sever discussions with the Blue Dogs who are trying to make this bill work for America,” Melancon said.

Just wait until the far left Democratic Party/Congressional leaders try to push through yet another fake stimulus, another fake bank bailout, and then somehow expect to hold Congress next year as tax rates for small business owners and investors approach 70%.

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Wasn’t it just a few months ago the libs were telling us that the Republican party was dead?

Nothing is permanent in politics.

Well maybe if the blue dogs hadn’t lied to their voters to get elected it might be easier.

Can’t think of anybody I would rather have it happen to.

Can it be that the much talked about failure is at hand after all?

Hope, worthy, honest hope springs eternal.

I’ve been lied to,” Blue Dog Coalition Co-Chairman Charlie Melancon (D-La.) said on Friday.

Well, Charlie, how does feel??? Your dem bosses have been lying to us for years! Stick it to ’em and maybe you’ll be re-elected.

Classic overreach.

I believe I predicted that would happen.

I’m still living by my mantra:

“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the people’s minds.”Samuel Adams

2010 is closer now than ever.

Hmmmmm……can we say “liberals eating liberals”??????????? 😀

I’ll believe it when bambi care dies for good- or at least doesn’t get voted on before recess.

These are the same blue donks that weren’t going to pass crap and trade, look what happened to that in the house.

But man, if this is for real it is so frickin’ sweet. Add in jugears’ unforced error talking out his arse about the Cambridge cops, the stunningly inept advocacy for his awful health care shite, and dipping under 50% approval in TWO polls (Rasmussen, Zogby) and you got yourself a righteous week.

I guess what is the biggest insult, is that Obama is pushing a health care plan, claiming how good it is, and he has openly admitted that he has not read it yet! Hmmmm, not sure I want someone making decisions who does not even bother to read the details!

“I’ve been lied-to” is bull-skat several ways.

But the short story is they lied to themselves when they decided not to listen to the people that were telling them true.

You can’t cheat an honest man.

Do Not Under Estimate the contributing factor of all the emails and phone calls those loveable Blue Dogs and all the rest of Congress (cause, ya know the staffers talk…) have been getting from those of us who are Fed Up and Not Impressed with this Health Care Plan and are Flipp’n tired of having the President Shoving his policies down our throats.

Now is NOT the time to rest, keep up the fight, write, call, send emails—let Congress know your opinion of Government Run Health Care e.g. cause if it looks, walks and talks like a duck it must be a duck regardless of what the ‘Franking Committee’ says.


Obama sez:

“Screw you guys….we’re gonna force this vote by next week….we’re gonna bypass the committees.”

“What ya gonna do ya crackers !!!!”

They were lied to? Amazing they just figured that out? If their lips are moving they are lying.

@Paul Couturier – OIF Veteran: Yes, the Dims have always been good at eating their own. When I belonged to the party, I never understood it. Now I do.

House healthcare talks break down in anger

“Waxman simply does not have votes in committee and process should not be bypassed to bring the bill straight to floor,” Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.), the lead Blue Dog negotiator, said on Friday. “We are trying to save this bill and trying to save this party.”

“I’ve been lied to,” Blue Dog Coalition Co-Chairman Charlie Melancon (D-La.) said on Friday. “We have not had legitimate negotiations.

“Mr. Waxman has decided to sever discussions with the Blue Dogs who are trying to make this bill work for America,” Melancon said.

Although those Blue Dogs were supposed to be headed back into another meeting of the Energy and Commerce Democrats, their anger was visible.

If the two sides cannot reach an agreement, the only hope for passage of the bill in the House will be to go straight to the floor, an option leaders shied away from endorsing but said was an option.

But the Blue Dogs issued dire warnings to leaders contemplating that approach.

Melancon said there would be 40-45 “solid no” votes from the 52-strong Blue Dogs, among other problems throughout the caucus. And Melancon said there are more Democrats who will vote against the bill.

“If they try to bring it to the floor, I think they’ll find out they have more problems than the Blue Dogs.”
How about instead of saving your Party, worry about saving Your Country!
Go home on recess and listen to your Constituents. Answer Their questions honestly or look forward to a job selling used cars after 2010.

These Folks Serve at the approval of their Constituents, not their Party Loyalty. Party be Damned! The Government should Fear the People, not the other way around.

Blue Dog Negotiator? Is this a Hostage situation?
Horse shit! If a punk like Rham ever tried to leverage or threaten me he would be on life support for a month. DC is NOT Al Capones old Chicago. Closed session hearings mean no reporters, Hah!

Mer, Wolverines indeed!

“*Democratic Party Imploding*” …That’s good news right ? 🙂

Hmmm, I wouldn’t celebrate yet. It’s pretty normal for any political party that has unbridled power to go to the extreme of their ideology at first, then swing back to the center a few months from election time. They do that because they know that most voters have the attention span of a toddler and won’t remember anything at voting time except the recent headlines. Therefore, they get their ideological jobs done first when unpopularity doesn’t matter as much and they have “honeymoon” capital to burn.

If the Dems are still “imploding” in 12 months, I might manage a cautious cheer. Until then, celebration is silly, IMHO. What if the economy is booming by then? Nobody will remember Obama’s current problems.

Bush and Obama have already damaged this country severely in ways which will take decades to mend, if we ever can. So the USA is in for a rough ride, regardless of who is in power. To me, BHO’s administration is another major ratchet step towards socialism and stronger federal power, just as we had under Abraham Lincoln (a good man, a great leader, but he trampled on states’ rights), FDR, Johnson, and Carter. Two steps toward socialism, one step back.

The Republicans are “facing extinction” too, according to pollster John Zogby in an article today on NewsMax:

There’s a grain of truth in both stories — I think both parties are out of touch with their bases and with the mainstream of Americans.

It would be great for conservatives to gain control of Congress in 2010. But that would just slow or — optimistically — stop the slide towards socialism. We need a conservative revolution, but I doubt that we can pull one off. Most Americans are too busy enjoying their wealth, and not busy enough pondering the moral basis of liberty.