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Ah come on, that chart is BS. Things are great. Lot’s of green shoots. Let’s pass another stimulus! Free money for everyone. Obama Money!

We really need a monetary bill printed with Obama’s picture on it – with a negative number on it. It would really make him happy. It mentioned it in the election period all the time.

The real question about this is how much of the stimulus has actually been spent? The answer approximately 6%. That means 94% of the stimulus money has only been allocated not spent! If it were actually being spent like it was intended would the unemployment numbers be this high? NO!–-four-months-later-less-than-6-percent-spent/

Why? Not enough projects were actually shovel ready.

Oh my, CRAP… could it be you may have acquired some political fog lights?

The question you should be asking yourself is, how can the big Zero be standing up there, saying the stimulus is “working” when the stimulus isn’t even out there?

And, as ARRA was written by the O’Congressional faithful, it was never intended to release the bulk of the cash until a few years downline. Coincidently, right about re’election time.

“Not enough projects were shovel ready.”

How come the genius couldn’t figure that out before he passed the bill?

You’re a good little lemming CRAP.

@Real American Patriot: Read what Mata said.

And I’ll add this: The unemployment projections with or without stimulus are OBAMA”S NUMBERS. This isn’t some fantasy I cooked up.

It’s a nightmare we must all live through while you play word games.

Tell it to the unemployed and see if they buy it.

Real American Patriot, so 6% of that BORROWED MONEY has been flushed down the rat hole so far? The Unemployment numbers only paint a small part of the picture. The rest is coming down the road as more businesses will just shut their doors when the Crap & Tax scam is signed into law.

When American Industry is interfered with to this extent, a lot of folks will be out of work. The current figure of 9.5,give or take, will be 15 to 20% by Fall easily. You Libs that failed Civics and Econ 101 will own that mess. You obviously voted Socialist by the odor of your postings here so Thanks Jocko. Your Kenyan Pretender and the Socialist Congress are busy destroying America at record rate. So YOU OWN It!

You may be an American but you are far from patriotic and If I had any children like you I would have stopped reproducing about 10 years ago. Liberalism must be a genetic disorder. It disables the natural ability to see issues or situations for what they truly are. Most of them can’t balance a
bank account, can’t be trusted to make sound judgments or run a business for profit or be honest on paying their taxes like half of the Team Obama lackies.

Both You and that TJ character are trolling here. When you get laid off contact me here. I can offer you honest work in Montana on a par with your intelligence and skill level. I have cattle and horses. The horses, when not out on the range, live in a building. That building needs an occasional cleaning. Since You So Libs have experience at shoveling big time Horse Sh*t, I would hire you in a heartbeat! But it is not a Union shop here so if have issues, You talk to Me about it. Bring your boxing gloves.


At the risk of being contentious, I just don’t see a 9.5% unemployment rate for June versus a 9.4% rate for May as an example of something continuing to “skyrocket”.

A 0.1% monthly differential might not even be statistically significant, a least, I don’t think it would have been when I was studying statistics.

I can certainly agree that this month’s rate is unacceptably high, but “Holy Hyperbole, Batman”.

@11B40: You want to quibble over the word “skyrocket” days before the 4th of July?

Good Grief!

Ask the 479,000 people out of work last month if they think it’s a big deal or not.

LOL, I think Old Trooper is even more sick of leftists than I am.
I do agree they are both experienced with shoveling…
If hitler was alive today, I really do think those two would defend him if there was a D next to his name.

Well Old Trooper and Hard Right… I have been laid off since George Bush was President. It happened to me last September. So take a guess which administrations policies I blame that on. HINT The answer is George W. Bush. This mess we are in was started by the Repbuli-CONS and Americans have not forgotten that FACT! I know FACTS are hard for you to grapple with but let that one sink into your big over blown heads. You think you know it all and factually you don’t know Sh-t!

Don’t even begin to tell me I am less patriotic than you are! That is total absolute BS drummed up by your total ass nine ignorance!

CRAP, you are still full of crap INRE when the housing boom that led to this down fall started…. try 1997-98 for the beginning of the housing boom. Clinton started the bubble, Bush continued the bubble, and Obama’s making sure there will never be a “bubble” anything again because he’s stripping the US citizen of every bit of earning power. Now there’s an improvement…

BTW, interesting that when they were picking people to lay off, you got the luck of the draw. Poor performance perhaps? LOL

You are wrong again as USUAL Mata!!!!

I am not going to get into it here other than to say when companies decide to manufacture goods overseas rather than the US many other industries are effected. My industry is packaging. Packaging took a HUGE hit during the GEORGE W BUSH administration.

Mata: Laughing over someone being laid off is a bit of a kick in the groin wouldn’t say?
However, I should know not to expect anything better from a Republican!

Then move overseas and follow your job, CRAP. I assure you, I sure won’t miss you.

Laughing about you being laid off? Not quite. Actually I was laughing at you because, in 10 months, you’ve not bothered to pick up another job. Again, poor performance, perhaps? Or are you loving those government checks, and waiting for the big Zero to bail you out?

Can’t say as my heart bleeds too too terribly for someone on “funemployment”. Then again, I shouldn’t expect anything different from a liberal progressive who wants everyone else to pay his way.

As I have explained in detail, you ARE less patriotic than I am. I previously pointed out how you lefties want only the worst for America. You don’t want that for something you love.
Your unemployment would have to be labeled as karma.

Old Trooper has the right idea.

CRAP: No one is questioning your patriotism. But I would like to know when you last said the Pledge of Allegiance?

And do you know the words by heart?

Well Mike, I have to contradict you. I AM questioning his patriotism (his intelligence, his grip on sanity…). As I have said before he loves America like a wife beater loves his wife.

HR, how can the man *not* be patriotic when he’s on the gov’t payroll coming on close to year? Of course he’s rah rah for Obama’s welfare state. He’s just not hot on the America constructed by the Framers and Founders. Requires self responsibility, ya know… can’t have that.

Mata, I’d have to say he’s for AmeriKa and not America.

That “funemployment” must be something considering it’s been ten months. Oh and CRAP, thank the dems-your people for your current situation since they caused it before obama was elected and have made it worse with his help. I know you’ll never do that since being a moonbat means never having to face reality.

As to the original point of this thread, the stimulus was never about helping the economy. It was about rewarding those that backed him by lining their pockets while creating a socialist welfare state. I’ve come to believe that the cloward-pivens strategy is exactly what he and his cronies are executing.

On a final note: Have you taken a moobat hunting today? 😉

In the Iraq War, “victory” for some liberals was the war effort going into the toilet. In the economic recession, “victory” for some conservatives is the economy going further into the toilet.

History is replete with premature victory declarations.

What’s great about this argument is that we’ll actually get to see who’s right. We won’t need to be arguing over it for the next 10 years.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA said: ” What’s great about this argument is that we’ll actually get to see who’s right. We won’t need to be arguing over it for the next 10 years. “

And yet many of you lefties still deny President Reagan’s pivotal role in winning the Cold War.

Seems to me you show an incredible ability to redefine reality to suit your political ideology.

And even when Obama-economics crashes and burns you’ll be blaming President Bush and claiming your guy isn’t to blame.

The economy getting worse only proves that we understand economics….or even reality better than the left. It’s decline doesn’t make us happy like it would the left if the situation were reversed.

I would love to see the economy get better. However, if obama’s other pets get thru– crap n’ trade and universally bad healthcare, there will be no recovery for sure.

I also agree with Mike. No mater what happens you will blame Bush or use him to deflect most of the blame.

Again I ask you larry, is obama governing from the center? Are his picks centrist? Yes or no?

Mata and Hard Right:

I feel sorry for you if you really believe the CRAP YOU spew about me.

First of all I do not enjoy being on unemployment. I have been working hard at getting re-employed at a decent wage. However, because you are a Republi-con you probably don’t believe in unemployment and would call it socialism. (So much for your love of other American’s) Frankly, I question YOUR Patriotism!

Hard Right:
Calling it “Funemployment” YOU really are a dumb ass!!

Don’t be getting on HR for “funemployment”, since I suggested that is what you are doing. And in fact, you can’t blame me but one of your favorite liberal MSM sources instead…. ABC

And I see your criteria is “re-employed at a decent wage”… meaning that if you’re not making more than you getting from your funemployment, why bother taking the job?

Question patriotism and whatever else about me all you want, CRAP… far as I can see, your whole mind is FUBAR if you can’t see where *any* gainful employment is better than none, and living off government checks. But then, it’s the mindset of you victim liberal progressives…


Part of the reason for unemployment is for those that are unemployed not to have to take any low paying job just to take a job and be UNDER employed.

The whole idea of take “any” gainful employment is better than none is total BS! Would you care to describe for us what your version of gainful employment is? Is that minimum wage in your book? Is it anyone that has been laid off should just go to work for Walmart or McDonalds? If that is your description of gainful employment you really don’t believe in unemployment do you? Do you really call yourself a patriotic American?

Why don’t we just get rid of all the progress we have made as a middle class. Then we can all work for non union companies and work 60 – 80 hours a week with no vacations, and the hell with minimum wage let’s all work for pennies and just make the rich richer.
After all it is the Republi-CON way!

Part of the reason for unemployment is for those that are unemployed not to have to take any low paying job just to take a job and be UNDER employed.

You do live in a fantasy world, don’t you? You think it was first enacted in 1935 so people wouldn’t be “under employed”??

UI has never been a replacement for your normal income. In fact, it has caps, and was maxed out in most states in 26 months. You’re way long last that pal, which means you’re living on Congressional extensions that aren’t paid for by your employers payroll taxes, but by the rest of us. And while your state continues to go into the hole for people like you, who’d rather “take” than “contribute” because you’re not earning enough to suit your tastes, they end up borrowing from the feds… meaning again, us, the taxpayers.

In other words, you are the poster child as to why welfare doesn’t work. You’ve just proven that you have no intention of working 40 hours if you’re going to make less than if you can walked to your mail box to pick up a check. You’re an embarrassment. No wonder you’re a damn progressive. You’re the one the Dems tell us can’t take care of themselves, nor make bright decisions. You *do* exist… go no.

Get with the program. We’ve all had to do side jobs, two jobs, and be creative with eBay and garage sales to keep ends met. You’ll also find the barter system is alive and well in the good ol’ US, outside your urban chaos, that is.

And oh, BTW you arrogant, elitist snob…. those that work at Walmart, McDonalds, Starbucks, libraries… even those that volunteer in the local hospitals and nursing homes emptying bed pans, janitors scrubbing floors, those that clean houses for a living … are worth 100x your lazy despicable ass. And YES, I not only call that “gainful employment”, but an honorable and respectable living as well…. unlike you, the master sponger.

And for your information, I’m self-employed… no sugar daddy in my life. If I don’t hustle, there’s no food in the refrigerator and the bills aren’t paid. And I do it all without a government handout. I’m like most people… living close to the bone and extremely frugal. I shaved down my living expenses and debt years ago to live pay as you go, and within my means.

And if I find I can’t make the financial cut? That’s when I’m gonna take Old Trooper up on his offer to move to Montana and shovel shit. My guess is I’ll find your sorry butt in that pile.

And another thing… patriotism is love of my country and all she [used to] stand for…. and that wasn’t a welfare state. It doesn’t mean I have to like you one bit… and I don’t.