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Good point, Mike – $900 m for Hamas thugs, zip/nada for freedom. Note the $900m actually goes to UN/NGO corruption, with a “fair-share” contribution to the terrorists, while the Iranians dying on the street have no ACORN/foundation/university/party NGO to represent them. In WH chicago-machine land, Hamas can answer the question “Who sent you?” while the freedom Iranians cannot.
The sound of silence from Obi Iwon is deafining. We need Churchill or Reagan and got Chamberlain and Carter.

There’s a saying: when your enemy is killing themselves, DON’T GET IN THE WAY.

The less Obama says about this, the better. The instant he goes public with his support for the protesters is the instant the Iranian government unleashes a bloodbath against the “American Agents” in their midst.

@SiD: Why do you people keep repeating the same lines over and over and over? That doesn’t make it so.

How many times do we have to remind you folks that Reagan didn’t shy away from pointing out what a monstrous system the Soviet Union had and how he personally encouraged those who opposed it?

Why is it that leftie simply refuse to learn from history? You don’t defeat tyranny by staying silent.

@adagioforstrings: Thanks Adagio. That has been the other straw man in this crisis. Somehow all those of us who support a more vigorous U.S. response in favor of the freedom activists want to invade or attack Iran. What rubbish.

Did the lefties who push that line also criticize Democrats in the U.S. House who voted unanimously to “condemn” the Iranian government? Why can’t Obama use that word?

When you start adding up the moves that Obama has made it= Anti Israel, can it be made any plainer his real agenda. I wonder if he learned the hate at the Madrassa he attended.

Whose side is he on?

We all know the answer to that question.

And it doesn’t begin with Neda Soltan.

How many more patriotic Iranians will die before the people of Iran take back their government? How many less will die with help from the US or pro democracy organizations? My guess is that the moment they are successful PEBO will step forward and claim it was due to his efforts.

Here is a real chance to effect change in Iran and where is the left? Hoping that no one will notice how they REFUSE to support those wanting freedom while they try to twist Conservative support into hate against Muslims.
The left is anti-freedom to their rotten core.

What did I do to offend the flopping aces gods? Why was my post deleted? I linked to the Weekly Standard. Is that a forbidden publication?


I checked the SPAM filter for a post from you and didn’t find one.

If you would like to repost it you can.

The straw man to which Mike’s America’s above post refers is the logical fallacy false choice presented by sycophant US “reporters” :

“When some twitterers complained that maybe President Obama’s time could be better spent given the crisis in Iran, Knoller responded, “Surprised by the outrage at the ice cream outing. What is it you expect or want the US to do about Iran? Attack? War?””

Except that my original post was perhaps more emotional & spontaneous & whatnot. I pointed out that Dems, who pride themselves on alleged nuance & subtelty, seem to be reacting in the Manichean manner they imagine Republicans behave:

1) Ignore problem


2) Kill problem

with no other possible options in between.

Yo bozo SiD… little time and even less patience with the drug ridden like you.

The “follower of the free world” remains diplomatically silent and castrated… just as it pleases you. The bloodbath in the streets is already going one. Haven’t noticed yet, eh? And oh, BTW… they’ve already been blaming this on the US, despite the big Zero’s dodging of American values.

The enemy is not “killing themselves”. The enemy is the oppressive regime. The victims – those shouting for free and fair elections with oversight, and freedom of speech – are not the enemy. They are the pro-western and pro-democracy youth that is slowly becoming the country’s majority. You stand by and watch a political genocide by a desperate and brutal regime on their population, and call it the enemy “killing themselves”.

You disgust me.

The enemy is slaying the voices calling for basic freedoms. And you…bozo… think our eunuch in chief is marvelous, striking “just the right note” as he is “touched” by their efforts.

“For the first time in my adult life, I’m proud ashamed of my country” under this President.