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Very good and effective commercial.

Great spot. Unless Cornyn and others screw things up.

The GOP needs to become much more visible and vocal in defense of individual freedom. Ordinary citizens have seen such a startling increase in government interference in their daily lives that many who have never protested against anything are taking to the streets to make their grievances heard.

2010 starts today.

@Wemo: Cornyn is in charge of the Senate campaign committee which produced this ad. Yeah, he did get a little shaky a few weeks back but that’s rare for him.

Forgive but don’t forget. His feet need to stay real close to the fire.

I agree.

Republicans need to stop pandering and trying to be so politically correct. Just call a spade a spade , that is what the people want. fight back! call liberals out each and every time they spout inaccuracies and cry racist.

Once again the republicrats pandering to everyone but the people who actually vote for them. Where is the token white guy? We used to be at least included in their propaganda. Same old crap. Kiss peoples ass who not only don’t vote for you but mostly despise you and your way of life. Who is that chanting USA, USA at the end of the video? Bet it isn’t mostly people of color or illegals. Republicrats are spineless, lame ass losers. Are any of them standing up to obammy and his socialist agenda? Nope. At best they whimper in the corner and propose a watered down version of whatever the democraps are trying to shove down our throats. At least you know what the liberal democruds stand for. Get some balls for a change. Stand for something….anything. OK I’m done. My medication is kicking in.