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Ahh, a real speech, by a real President, and not one word of apology, my how times have changed!

What a stunning contrast in presidents. Wish we had Reagan back or Bush! I’m sick and tired of having our leader bash us and apologize for us.

Naive dope is getting tiring real quick.

“*snipped from ‘Blackfive:
“In the final choice, a soldier’s pack is not so heavy a burden as a prisoner’s chains.”
General Dwight D. Eisenhower

“*snipped from ‘elcampeador’:

Just seemed the right combination for today, made me feel humble and proud and grateful.

we think alike my friend, I posted this on you tube

It’s hard to look at President Reagan’s photos or hear his speeches without longing for him.

It’s also nice to know there are citizens in France honoring the ultimate sacrifice of the men that climbed the cliffs and fought for their liberty.

French Families Adopt U.S. Graves in Normandy

When we joined, we promised to visit the grave once a year and to lay flowers on the grave,” she says. “Sometimes people take flowers from their own gardens. And they say it is like a son, like a cousin, like a brother. It is a member of the family.”

This year dozens of members of Les Fleurs de la Memoire have shown up at Colleville-sur-Mer for the annual Memorial Day ceremony, which begins with a flyover by U.S. fighter jets in the missing-man formation.

A French priest recites the Lord’s Prayer, then a rabbi chants the Kaddish. And a French military band plays the “Star-Spangled Banner.”

White Crosses at Normandy

Well done Mata! Hannity ran this speech last night on Fox. It brought tears to my eyes. All the memories of my father, came gushing back. Dad, a POW, from Amboy, IL, Dixon HS, class of ’29, whose B-17 (AAF,308th BG, Thurleigh)was shot down outside of Berlin, knew Dutch well; Fellow Thespians, one year Dad’s senior. Dad was so, so proud of Dutch. Had many pictures and correspondence from him. I wish I could find them now. Dad fondly recalled Dutch’s life-guarding on the Rock River. I recall Dad’s significant numbers, (for lotto purposes) Dates. His BD, the day he was shot down, D-Day, and Liberation Day. How these people of the “Greatest generation” enjoyed the simple things: The weekend pilgrimage, with Mom, across the JB bridge, over to Ollies, to get a hamburger, and play his numbers.

Ronaldus Magnus, that was a President! A real, red blooded American, whose love for God and country, was beyond reproach. A great orator, who did not need additive reverb, and a teleprompter. He spoke from his heart.

Thanks, Mata.


Many thanks for sharing. We frequently drive through Dixon, President Reagan’s town. As we pass through he’s in our heart and thoughts, a forever experience we look forward to. Hubby has a whole wall in his barn dedicated to President Reagan, hope you find your letters, you might be surprised at how much comfort and pride it will bring to have such an outstanding display. President Reagan and your dad, WOW!

@Missy: Thanks for sharing that story of the adopted graves. It’s good to learn that not all the French have forgotten the American sacrifice that restored their freedom.

@batman: Mata’s post on the speech is below. She beat me to the punch on this one by a few minutes. I’ll pass along your thanks to her.’

some of you were hardly more than boys, with the deepest joys of life before you

Can I assume, Mike, that the FA crowd would have decried the way Reagan “infantilized” the soldiers in the quote above, the way they did whenever Lefties pointed out how young Iraq/Afghanistan soldiers are?

Can I also assume, Mike, that you attacked Reagan at the time for speaking from prepared remarks, the way you do with President Obama? Or are you under the impression that Reagan was speaking extemporaneously?

Someone has been in the Kool Aid a bit early on a Saturday!

@Michael: I have attacked Obama for being addicted to a teleprompter, NOT for speaking from prepared remarks.

Also, please point to where I have criticized lefties for pointing out the relative youth of U.S. soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan. Sorry, I cannot speak for ALL the FA crowd but I do not recall doing so.

I certainly have criticized the left like Congressman Murtha who accused our troops of killing women and children in “cold blood” and have criticized the lefties who said our troops had to join the service because they were too uneducated to do anything else.

Seems to me on D-Day you wouldn’t want to drag up the many, MANY occasions on which all you left nutters trashed the troops.

But then, maybe I am falsely assuming you would be smarter than to do that.

I have attacked Obama for being addicted to a teleprompter, NOT for speaking from prepared remarks.

A distinction without any difference at all.

Also: please point to where I have trashed the troops.

@Michael: Your comment is absurd. And I never accused you of trashing the troops though I doubt you have done so and frequently.

You are unable to back up anything you say. Your comments typically show more bile than brains and as such, your remarks don’t deserve my full consideration.

I knew some lefty POS would be unable to contain their pathological hate/mental illness and crap on this thread.
Lets be blunt michael, your kind only wants to use the troops for political gain or as an armed meals on wheels for your pet peace corps projects so you can feel good about yourselves. You lefties hate our troops and do not support them.
I am done so post away jackass.

Since no one seems to want to answer Michael’s question about troops’ age, I will.

First of all Michael, I *am* one of those people who detest listening to liberal progressives portray our troops as “children” and “victims” that were somehow forced into military servitude. They make their own decision as young adults, and their training advances their maturity far more than civilian lifestyles. To demean them as kids too stupid to make a choice for their own future is nothing less than insulting degradation.

Secondly, Reagan did not “infantilized” our troops. Obviously you suffer from a reading disorder. Parse words s-l-o-w-l-y and figure it out. “…hardy *hardly* more than….” means they are no longer boys, but not by much. As I pointed out above, the maturity of those in the military is superior to their civilian peers because of the discipline and responsibility attached to the gig.

But then, it’s obvious you’ve never served, nor are likely to volunteer. No problem. Those “infants” you feel are immature victims will protect your sorry butt, too.

Your comment is absurd.

Really? Then please explain the essential difference between delivering a prewritten speech, as President Obama does, and, on the other hand, delivering a prewritten speech, as President Reagan did.

@Michael: I have already posted on this subject multiple times. Go back and review them if you want my opinion.

Frankly, it’s pretty clear you don’t want my opinion and are just looking for another opportunity to spill your bile.

I have already posted on this subject multiple times.

I’ve read the entirety of your blog output for the past couple of years, and you have never once explained why Obama’s reading his speeches is an indicator of his badness, while Reagan’s reading of his speeches is an indicator of his goodness.

You have, indeed, frequently attacked Obama for the fact that he reads his speeches, but you have never gone beyond that. I’ve challenged you to explain why it’s bad when one person does it and good when another one does. What is the essential difference behind the distinction you make? That you have never done, and to assert that you have is a simple lie.

@Michael: You’ve “read the entirety of your blog output for the past couple of years” and never once seen my thoughts on Obama’s teleprompter dependence?

And you want to call ME a liar?


Ah. Dodging the question, as ever.

I’ve read the entirety of your blog output for the past couple of years



It’s not Obama’s use of the TelePromTer that we worthy of criticism.

It’s his complete and total inability to string together three sentences without it.

He cannot even introduce Cabinet or Court appointees without it.

He cannot conduct press conferences without it.

Obama, without his TelePromTer is like a child without its’ binky.

He’s lost.

That’s what we find worthy of ridicule.

It’s good to know that we’ve gotten into your kitchen.


I guess the lying lefty loon has never seen my ever so popular video:

I guess the lying lefty loon has never seen my ever so popular video:

It would seem that the lying lefty loon has already granted that you have complained about the fact that Obama reads his speeches. The lying lefty loon believes that, if you think that this video is an anwer to the questions of “Why is it bad when one person does it and good when another one does, and what is the essential difference behind the distinction you make?” you are an idiot. He also believes that your unwillingness to address these questions, saying only “Go back and review them if you want my opinion,” makes you an intellectual coward.

As mentioned above, the lying lefty loon sees your video as yet another attack on Obama’s speech-readin’ ways without saying what distinguishes them from Reagan’s speech-readin’ ways.

@Michael: Reagan didn’t need a teleprompter to know what to think. Would it make you happier if I added that line to every post I have done on Reagan or Obama’s use of the teleprompter?

Find something else to whine and nit pick about. You’re starting to bore me.

Perfect illustration of Mike’s point:

Instead we have this:

Hell, look at any Bush press conference in which he is answering the questions from the press and you can see Bush is better at thinking on his feet then the robot known as Obama.

@Curt: Great contrast!

I have to admit something to you all: Michael has been kind enough to play along with a little set up of mine.

Few libs would be dumb enough to come here and repeatedly draw attention to the fact that Reagan was such a better speaker, from the heart, than the teleprompter president. I didn’t even hint at a comparison in this post but Michael was kind enough to come here and play along by bringing up the subject…. REPEATEDLY.

Thanks Michael. I couldn’t have done it without you!