Dems Try Desperately To Cut and Run From “Torture” Debate


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ht HotAir

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, backed Pelosi.

“I think it’s a tempest in a teapot really to say: Well, Speaker Pelosi should have known all of this, she should have stopped this, she should have done this or done that,” she said.

“I don’t want to make an apology for anybody, but in 2002, it wasn’t 2006, 07, 08 or 09. It was right after 9/11, and there were in fact discussions about a second wave of attacks.”

1) Dems KNEW (Hot Air has a great example of for/against/for/against dance done by political partisan posterboy Chuck Schumer)
2) Dems KNOW it worked
3) Dems have covered their complicity and ignorance regarding the war on terror since before 911, and have done so primarily by attacking Republicans and using them as scapegoats…all the while they were doing the exact same things, supporting the same measures behind closed doors, funding CIA prison programs in Intelligence Appropriations bills, and then pretending to be on some moral high ground.

They tried to distract from their own incompetence again by releasing the “torture memos” to shift discussion away from insane levels of spending with no results (even worse results). They miscalculated. They forgot that they have unchecked power, and thus unchecked accountability.

Now they’re trying to run away from the topic lest it get more press that they knew about “torture” and railed against it. Worse yet, if the press starts to look at who knew what/when…people might see that yeah, Democrats KNEW about pre-war intel on Iraq, and it wasn’t a case of Bushliedpeopledied (the timeline is 100% clear on this as are the bi-partisan investigations and reports). People might actually realize that Sen Rockefeller misled about a lack of WMD threat because he KNEW what was found. Sen Levin misled about regime ties to Al Queda because he’d been briefed too. All these briefings took place around the same time the torture briefings did. Dems want to back outta that research alley FAST.

The problem is…their base won’t let em.

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Oh boy…..I agree with Chuckie Schumer.

Now, where’s my calendar and marker?

Nancy is so dumb she thought the CIA would keep a secret. Mind boggeling stupid, to paraphase cardinal Egan of NY. Really sad, she actually did the right thing at the time, and now feels she must lie about it.

When did anyone ever believe anything she said anyway. This country is being led by people that would rather destroy opposition no matter who it hurts. She got caught in a pile of lies she told to try and destroy GW, lets hope that it destroys her instead. Steny Hoyer can’t wait for her to fall, he’s best buds with Rahm Emanuel, so I think Obama will soon turn on Piglosi.

I notice our libby friends have gone quiet on Nancy News lately. Have they finally been shamed into silence after swallowing and then repeating the lies Nancy told?

Heck, some of them probably still believe this guy:

Pelosi is a liar, everyone knows it. She should resign … What did the media do to Hastert?

Oh what, she promises not to lie about the socialist health care? Sure right.

Jon Stewart nailed Nancy Pelosi.

Funny stuff.


Steny Hoyer is measuring drapes in the Speaker’s Chambers. Does anyone believe that Rep. Harman (D-CA) is going to take a bullet for the dems and for Speaker Peelousy after their miserable treatment of her?