Obama’s Buddy Hugo Chavez: “The Rich Are Not Human, They Are Animals In Human Form”



Like two peas in a pod:

In this video clip which is making the viral rounds in the Spanish-speaking online world, Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez says “The rich are not human, they are animals in human form.”

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Since O’Dumbo is a multi-millionaire who never held a job Chavez has him pegged. A Weasel is an animal.

Animal Farm, a la Orwell.
All animals are created equal, but these animals above, are obviously, more equal than others.

America held hostage: Day 108. 1352 days to go.

Curt: Are you sure this is Chavez saying this? Sounds a lot like Rev. Wright to me. I wonder if Obie will throw Chavez under the bus now?

What is it with your Democrats and their affection for American-hating dictators? He is just strengthening your enemies.

BPT (Australia),
Sadly the real Democrats are retired or dead. The folks that masquerade as Democrats are America Hating Socialists. now or “Progressives”. They have destroyed the Economy, the Court System, the Educational System and are currently occupied with the destruction of the Free Market, Auto Industry, US Sovereignty, The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, Ownership of Private Property, Parental Rights, Banking, Private Health Care and losing the Global War on Terror.

Australia may want to reconsider alliances with the current US Government as I quite frankly don’t trust My Own Government at this point. Pretty sad commentary, Eh?

America has always had a pally existence with dictators…

Chavez can only play to a captive audience or a closed mind. The nationalization of yet another foreign assest, oil wells and sundry equipment, which will be run into the ground and rendered useless in less than five years or so, elicted no comment from the President, Congress or any investigative reporting. Like most adolescents, Chavez will only see this as approval from more mature democracies. And therefore, continue on with his self-destructive quest dragging down what should be a rich a properous nation. Sad and entirely preventable.

Chavez owns all the oil companies in Venezuela after he unlawfully nationalized them. That makes Chavez rich and thus makes him an animal in human form. QED.

So what kind of animal is Chavez? I wouldn’t call him a pig because that would be about the most degrading thing one can do to pigs.

“The rich are not human, they are animals in human form”

Chavez and Obama, by the majority standards of the world’s humans, are wealthy.

Therefore, Chavez and Obama are animals. QED

That pretty much covers it. except for the fact that we need to stop giving money to jackasses.
Yet if we take it away, we humanize them.

(Hmm. Paradox.)

Hugo Chavez es un fasista desgraciado que no merece ser presidente de un pais tan hermoso como Venezuela. Este tipo es una vibora y tan solo espero que se muerda la lengua y muera envenado de sus ideas que son puros disparates! Ojala te muerdas pronto ! El unico animal que yo veo sos vos y por lo que cuentan tenes muy poco de hombre!