Obama to Bring Back Military Tribunals Which He Opposed As Professional Candidate


Another day, another evil Bush policy brought back without an iota of resistance or even complaint,

“The Obama administration is moving toward reviving the military commission system for prosecuting Guantánamo detainees, which was a target of critics during the Bush administration, including Mr. Obama himself.”

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I don’t know how many times it needs to be said before people start understanding, but it’s at least one more.

Every single Obama promise comes with an expiration date.

From the NYTs article:

The military commissions, which were established specifically for trying Guantánamo detainees, have been subject to repeated delays and court challenges that argued that detainees were being denied basic rights of American law. Only two trials have been completed in the nearly eight years since the Bush administration announced that it would use military tribunals.

I have said this over and over to the bozos that say the detainees haven’t had “justice” and “who did Bush prosecute”…. that the attempts to give the detainees a prompt commission were thwarted by ACLU lawyers and lawsuits that dragged out their detention longer than necessary.

Also from the article:

Officials who work on the Guantánamo issue say administration lawyers have become concerned that they would face significant obstacles to trying some terrorism suspects in federal courts. Judges might make it difficult to prosecute detainees who were subjected to brutal treatment or for prosecutors to use hearsay evidence gathered by intelligence agencies.

Gee… ya think? This was the reason for not running enemy combatants thru the US judicidial system to begin with, and why these commissions were set up. But nooooo…. Obama and his progressive cronies made this a political campaign issue with their opposition, demonizing Bush. And the gullible O’faithful fell for the BS hook, line and sinker.

But then, Obama admin considering returning to what Bush had tried to construct to keep these animals out of the US courts is a good thing.

Of the 250 or so remaining, 80 were scheduled to go on trial before Military Commissions. President Obama can take credit now for “holding without charge or trial” by suspending military tribunals as well as for now prosecuting detainees through military tribunals (something for which the Bush Administration was also roundly criticized over).

About 135 detainees are committed jihadists who have pledged to return to the fight, yet weren’t on the books to face Military Commission hearings because of the lack of hard evidentiary requirements.

How’s it feel now to be in Bush’s boots, finding yourself following in his footsteps on the only road paved?

Has anyone informed the Daily KOS or MoveOn yet?

Gotta love these weekend news dumps…

Since it’s a Lib in the Whitehouse, they might find it okay now. (sarc)

And Obama will most likely put someone on SCOTUS who will vehemently object to anything less than full criminal trials, habeus corpus, Miranda rights, etc for these enemy combatant detainees.