Obama Nominee Lies, AP Calls It “Lowballing”


Check out the headline for this AP article about another Obama nominee:

Sebelius lowballed donations from abortion doctor

Lowballed? Sounds like she lied to me:

President Barack Obama’s health secretary nominee got nearly three times as much political money from a controversial abortion doctor as she told senators.

The Health and Human Services Department said Monday that the omission was an oversight that Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius would correct.

In a response to questions from the Senate Finance Committee made public last week, Sebelius wrote that she received $12,450 between 1994-2001 from Dr. George Tiller, one of the nation’s few late-term abortion providers.

But in addition to those campaign donations, records reviewed by The Associated Press show that Tiller gave at least $23,000 more from 2000-2002 to a political action committee Sebelius established while insurance commissioner to raise money for fellow Democrats.

Sebelius did not tell senators about that additional money, although Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., asked specifically about any Tiller donations to her PAC.

Yeah, that’s right. Just an oversight even though she was specifically asked about donations from the doctor.

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makes me wonder if there is a single honest democrat in the country. jesus, no wonder obama wants her in, she loves late term abortion.

Ditto Luva with the additional, Is there a single democrat in the country that is not an out and out criminal? So far there is not from the POTUS down to the dog…I guess fat Ted went to the pound and got a pure bred dog, after he dropped it off. Better than the human he dropped off a bridge and left to die.

LOL Scissors. As opposed to the criminals who just left the White House?

LOL Scrapiron: Never miss an opportunity to show how small minded you are with Ted Kennedy.

Get a clue.

Barack did not report his book deal money either.

I’ve been warning about the perils of Sibelius since she was nominated. With the likely revocation of the conscience clause (any day now, but don’t worry, the Obama dog will still grab the headlines), Sibelius as the HHS gatekeeper should make us all lose sleep! When one can demonstrate no conscience in throwing parties for Tiller the baby killer (recently acquitted, no surprise: hey, stabbing the heads of sentient babies with scissors is LEGAL after all), there should be no surprise when our mandatory euthanasia and abortions go into effect, and that’s just for starters.

Let me put it this way: To be a Catholic politician in America and be banned from the Eucharist, one has to be more extreme than Nancy Pelosi getting a well needed “catechism lesson” from Pope Benedict. The fact is, Sibelius is banned by two bishops: one from KS, the other from DC.

There’s another political factor here everyone appears to have missed. I was going to write about it several times but have been too busy. What is very telling regarding the Sibelius nomination is the silence (and support) of the GOP, especially the pro life Catholic ones. The two biggest players, Michael Steel and Sam Brownback, are both supporting her. Steel has already announced, “Room for the pro choice crowd in the GOP.”

I suspect this is the 2012 strategy to bring in the younger voters, thinking, and betting with, “Where would the pro lifers and true conservatives go, certainly not to the Democrats?” I suspect that will make many in the GOP pleased, including some FA readers who have commented against the social issues.

Bottom line, I’m convinced that the GOP is going soft on Life. I personally think it will be their demise, but on the other hand, considering current events, the world is likely to look a lot different in 3 years; perhaps so different that we won’t even believe we used to debate such things!


What criminals? What crimes were committed, and by whom?

The media ought to treat both parties equally: e.g., Bush didn’t lie about WMDs; he just overestimated the quantities of WMDs he expected to find.

But, really, what were the crimes, and why isn’t Obama’s Administration interested in pressing charges? Yes, I know the latter is a trick question, but the media isn’t willing to talk about it. I am, and I am.

Jeff V

[As opposed to the criminals who just left the White House?]

Remember, libdude, just because you repeat something over and over and over does not make it true…sorry to pop your bubble. I hope you, too, will someday see that the person you are calling a criminal is the one who saved your behind for the last 8 years from being bombed so that you can continue living freely. I think you owe him a thank you, not a false accusation.

Liberaldud is right Scrapiron. Muder, and aiding and abetting rape are a small price for a country to pay to have a brilliant politician such as Teddy.