Obama Failed To Keep Promise On Executive Orders


Coming on the heels of Word’s excellent post yesterday comes more shocking news! Just shocking I tell ya! Who woulda thunk it?


President Obama issued a slew of executive orders and other official decisions without making any announcements to the press, Politico.com reports.

According to an article published Tuesday night, the president has since taking office issued three executive orders, one memorandum, one presidential notice and a proclamation without any attention from the White House press corps. That’s because the White House press office never announced them and never posted any reference to them on its Web site.

A spokesman called the omission a “simple oversight,” and said the information has since been posted to the WhiteHouse.gov site.

Some of the decisions were minor, such as a proclamation for American Heart Month. But others expanded the size of key bodies, including the National Economic Council and the Domestic Policy Council. Two others canceled orders relating to regulatory review from the Bush administration, according to the report.

Politico.com found the decisions in the Federal Register, the government’s official policy record.

Broken promises….but still the sheep flock to the messiah as if he is the different one.

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So how long is our PRAVDA media going to stay on the wagon? The bumps are getting pretty jolting

Да мы можем

i commented at a local blog about this and the obots were saying it was bs and roves own tactics so to shut up. i thought it was funny, they can call everyone else a liar and call for impeachment but when obama is questioned they get all freaky. one day the kool aid will wear off and they will see him for the underhanded slimmey piece of pooh he really is. this cracks me up. it pisses me off, but it is funny, all the people who wantd change can now suck on their change.

broken promisessss… what a song eh? I prefered the original. Not Obama’s

Luva, most of those people will never see the light.
Go to Dr. Sanity’s site and you’ll see why. As a psychologist she
really understands the loony left/obots.

The guy’s an idiot. Liberalists wanted their change..they got what they asked for. But we all have to pay for it. Along with our kids and grand kids.

I had an ultra-liberal law school professor who would almost daily gripe about Bush signing executive orders. He said that executive orders were against the principles of democracy and that Bush was a monarch exerting his will. I wonder how he feels about executive orders now. Oh yeah, he’s a constitutional law professor. Figures. Example #1023 of liberal idiots.

Must be the same type of internet ‘oversight’ that disabled his credit card verification system on his campaign contributions. But the guy’s a friggin GENIUS, the libs keep telling me.

I can’t remember where, but today I saw something about journalists actually going to work for the White House, as a way, so they said, to make sure they still have a job when other employers go out of business. Well now, ain’t that special!

Hummm looks like the republicans in congress are not doing so good…
Their approval rate is dropping fast!

taken from the washington Post.
In the Gallup poll, the support among Democrats more than doubled between January and February — from 18 percent to 43 percent — while congressional approval moved up far more marginally among Independents (17 percent to 29 percent) and actually declined among Republicans (23 percent to 19 percent).

and all you do is whine about Obama.. Don’t you have anything better to do?

Not that your misinterpretation of polling data has anything to do with this post, RAP/Sky55110, but since you aren’t providing any link to the WaPo article you excerpt I can only go on what you provide.

And I suggest you have serious problem comprehending nouns and verbs.

The latest Gallup poll did not ask the responders about Dem and GOP Congress party members individually, as you seem to read into your own quoted excerpt.

What the purported WaPo article states is that the Dems and Indy poll responders are just shy of being almost enthralled with the big government, welfare state oriented, nanny Congress, while Republican responders’ opinion of Congress is declining. Absolutely nothing in that statement that has anything to do with – as you say – “republicans in Congress are not doing so good”.

But then, don’t be popping your champagne corks yet. There was a soar – albeit very short lived – in Congressional approval ratings after Dems took control after the 2006 mid terms. And we all know how that ended up by the end of their two years under Dubya.

As for whining about Obama, I believe that is still not only the right of any American citizen or legal resident, but a hallmark of healthy discussion. Uh… isn’t that the CRAP you’ve been feeding us for years now? Or does that dissent only work one way for you?

As long as a President Obama continues to hide many of his actions until they show up in the Federal Register, and allows the domestic economic policies to lie solely in the hands of Larry Summers (the original architect of this porkulus debacle), Pelosi and Reid, you will find me on the “whining” side…. fully exercising my 1st Amendment rights and issuing warnings of the cliff toward which you and your lemming friends are being herded.

Don’t like it? Too bad…. But then it’s not my quest in life to fall into whatever approval criteria you appear to have for fellow citizens.

Quick everybody look!

There’s been a Mata sighting on Aisle 11….

LOL, Aye! Yup… truly a “blue light special” moment. Just picked up my head from work and decided to “play” a bit. Thanks for noticing I was gone.

CRAP, do think before you embarrass yourself further. You and your Siamese-twin-conjoined-at-birth-at the-posterior, John Ryan, must have had the same primary school teachers for the English language.

The article you linked is one of many I read about the Gallup Poll. Nothing has changed. Your reading disability is still appalling. Perhaps you’d like to point out an exact quote in that article that supports your very direct statement:

Hummm looks like the republicans in congress are not doing so good…
Their approval rate is dropping fast!

But then you can’t. Your left field comment is still nothing but a manifestation of your giddy, prozac mind because you assume something that just isn’t there.

The poll addressed how Dems, Indys and Republicans feel about Congress as a whole. Since it is dominated by an almost supermajority of Dems and three solid RINOs who’ll roll over as a bitch in heat, of course the 1000 or so Dems and Indys are euphoric with Congress.

Polled Democrats never did give approval of the GOP in Congress. Just as conservatives never held approval of the Dems in Congress. Had this poll actually addressed this, you might assume more realistically that the Dems like their Dems more because they are accomplishing their social welfare change unchecked by balance of powers… and the GOP likes their GOP more because at last they demonstrated *some* cajones.

But then, you don’t even get the sad irony about these approval ratings and polls, do you? Ever wonder how most of the nation – all parties – can be adamantly *against* this porkulus disguised as stimulus, but still be adoring fans of the same Congress and Obama who shoved this debacle down an unwilling nation’s throat?

Simply because they interview idiots who can’t apply a situation as a whole to a question. For example, here’s how it may have gone…

“Do you like Congress” … uh, yeah… they’re great!
“Do you believe the stimulus is the right way to go”…. oh man, no…. spending my money, and probably won’t do anything!

Ironic. You might as well have asked if the sky is blue, then asked if the sun is shining and gotten two conflicting answers.

But apparently we have a plethora of these idiots in the US. Thank you for your personal demonstration, BTW.

As I said… keep your champagne on ice. The reign of Obama/Pelosi/Reid/Summers/Geithner is young. Go do your worst, you and your pals. There is nothing any of us can do to stop you right now. Remember that well, for you have no one to blame but yourselves when you take this nation down to it’s economic knees.

It’s “weep” CRAP, not “weap” and she isn’t.

Missy…. LOL! He would have been better off saying “read it and reap”!