Dear Mr. President, ‘please make it rain candy’


VOTE FOR CHANGE (vote for the same people who controlled Congress, but ‘change’ somehow…still).

I know I’ve joked that people who voted for Obama were misguided, duped, or even delusional (bent on denying reality in favor of irrational aspirations). I’ve said that people expect Democrats to “turn the clouds to cotton candy, the rivers will flow with chocolate, and groves of gumdrop trees will blanket the good green Earth.” To all those who thought I was reaching with that analogy, rest assured people actually HOPE for it still. They hope rather than face the reality that Barack Obama and the modern Democratic Party have played on people’s fears far worse than Bush ever did, and they’ve deliberately misled people with pie-in-the-sky dreams/delusions. Now, to be fair, Obama never specifically promised cotton candy clouds, or an end to war, or whatever, but gosh…where DID people get those ideas? From Obama’s opponents? Yeah, that’s it. Some new grand Haliburton/Jolly Rancher C-O-N-Spiracy!

End war, forever. Make the planet greener. Please help my dad find work. Make it rain candy!

Thousands of kids detailed their hopes and expectations for President Obama in letters and drawings as part of a “Dear Mr. President” project, with 150 chosen for publication in a free e-book being released today, on Presidents Day.

Most had tall orders for the new guy in the White House.

Anthony Pape, 10, of DuBois, Pa., offered: “I hope that we will have no war ever again. I mean why are we fighting why can’t we all be friends.”

Fellow 10-year-old Sasha Townsend of Soquel, Calif., had a similar request, and then some.

“I would appreciate it if you would try to make this a greener planet and try to bring home the troops and end the war,” the fifth-grader wrote. “I am very luckey because I am not part of a military family, but it saddens me to hear about all the people who die in Iraque and know that somewhere In the world people are greiving over a lost family member.”

Seven-year-old Aaron Van Blerkom’s letter was simpler — but no less problematic.

“Dear Mr. Obama,” the Pasadena first-grader began, “Please Make it rain candy!”

What? They’re just kids? Yeah. I guess you’re right, but it makes me ask again…who put these delusional ideas in their heads?

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Are we sure that was a child, and not your average Obama voter?


Are we sure that was a child, and not your average Obama voter?

Here’s the little darling right here:


The progression of all the Marxist ‘isms’, from communism, Fascism, NAZIism, and socialism …. and now Obammunism

You easily dupe ignorant voters to vote for you by promising them lots of other people stuff for free.

But then the other people get wise and no one has any stuff anymore.

You then need the gulags because everyone gets wind, the free stuff is gone.

Then you need firing squads because the gulags are full.

Going after kids now? I’d tell you to pick on someone your own size, but on an intellectual level, I guess you already are…

Aww frak! Another dose of the ‘Children of the Corn’ chorus…

Where are my Tums??

@Fit Fit,

Obama and the MSM have taken great pains to “inform” kids about how lucky they are with O in the Oval Office, so yes, it is fair to point out the hypocrisy in using kids as propaganda. Politicians love babies and kids, because of the innocence that is connoted. Nobody is going after kids; the obvious (?) target is the douchebags who use these kids for political gain.

Obama made promises to lead by example, and not to be yet another rusty-haloed hack of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. His action have not been consistent with his rhetoric, yet the MSM continues to fawn on him and deify him through the solicited eyes of children. Turning children’s wishes and dreams into a book for political gain is an abuse of their innocence. It is this abuse that is being criticized, not the children.

No need to make snide remarks about anybody’s intellect; I think we’re all adults here.


We forgot about all the adults who want Obama to release the rivers of Mad Dog 20/20. I think that’s what the Nit Wit Fit Fit is upset about. He’s down a few quarts since Inauguration Day!

A little employment advice: Now would be a great time to get into the “bumper sticker” business. The possiblities are simply endless!


I think you mean, “the possibility are senseless.”

@ Fitfit

The point you miss is that Democrats seem to have absolutely no qualms about using children as political pawns. They also seem to take relish in indoctrinating other peoples children with their political Democratic propaganda.

Totally reprehensible and patently unethical. Public school teachers should never be allowed to force their own system of beliefs on children. Liberal parents would not stand for Conservatives to do such to their Democrat household kiddies. Nor should Democrats be allowed to indoctrinate Republican’s kids

Fit fit’s in denial and distraction mode as evidenced by the fact that my piece is a commentary on the PEOPLE WHO MISLED kids; not kids.

We’ll see a lot of this kind of denial/distraction thing in the near future I think; probably just before poll numbers sink.

When they do it, it’s called brainwashing, but when you do it’s called education?




Fit fit,

I am pretty sure that no children were deluded into believing that McCain was going to make it rain candy, make the oceans recede, or end war for all time. I can pretty safely guess that McCain did not have any teenage paramilitary gangs doing “stomp the yard” chant/dances in his honor.

When can we expect the building sized portraits of “The One” to start appearing everywhere?

Fit Fit, what is your solution to conflicts with other countries when THEY do not want to be peaceful?How do we “not fight” with extreme radical terrorists when they have no other goal in life than to destroy us? I love all the liberals that have “War is not the answer” signs in their yards. Yards that have been protected with the blood of our military. What IS the answer then, please liberals tell us.


You’re barking up the wrong tree, I’m pretty hawkish when it comes to defense. If you followed my posts you’d know that I supported the idea of using force to remove Hussein, but faulted the way it was executed.

Anthony Pape, 10, of DuBois, Pa., offered: “I hope that we will have no war ever again. I mean why are we fighting why can’t we all be friends.”

This one is not unique to Obama; I think lots of kids always express such “It’s a Small World After All” kumbaya sentiments in all generations.

“I would appreciate it if you would try to make this a greener planet and try to bring home the troops and end the war,” the fifth-grader wrote. “I am very luckey because I am not part of a military family, but it saddens me to hear about all the people who die in Iraque and know that somewhere In the world people are greiving over a lost family member.”

This one is the most sad to me, because the sentiments expressed aren’t unique to children, but echoes the same exact “child-like” naiveté of many (*ahem*liberal*cough*) adults.

Then of course, you have your messianic-worshipping “adult”, like Julio Osegueda….

Good grief!

Fit for a straightjacket is just being his classy self. As usual he is unable to refute the facts so he creates a straw man. Typical of the liberal mental illness he projects his flaws onto others as displayed by his brain washing remarks.
Calling him an oxygen thief would be assigning him more value as a person than he deserves.

Obama could pee on these kids (which he is with the porkulus legislation) and they would think its raining lemon drops.

just like when those videos were released of those kids singing about bush, I equally despise these ones. It becomes scary though, when it is celebrated or defended by people. In wwii, the hitler youth did similar things. Praising the savior of germany; the hope of the new world.

“I am very luckey because I am not part of a military family,…”

Says a lot right there. Not that the 5th grader is not part of a military family, but that the child thinks he is “luckey” to not be a part of the military community. Sad.

Also, someone needs to teach that kid that you don’t end a war, you either win it or you lose it. Unfortunately, too many adults do not understand this concept either.