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Oh, what a hypocrite we have in Obama, the media and the dem leadership. Here’s Obama on the campaign trail:

“Barack Obama, in Harrisburg to campaign in the Pennsylvania primary, drew applause from a crowd at The Forum with lines like these: “We need to break the politics of fear that uses 9/11 to scare up votes”; a promise to “obey the Constitution of the United States”; and an aspiration to “disagree without being disagreeable.”

Anyone else recall the eight years of accusations waged against President Bush for “politics of fear?

Isn’t that what Obama and company are doing now? Shortly after the election of President Bush, dems and press were eager to call him on his mild comments about the economy that had been in recession for 9 months, comments that never included terms like:

“Worst economy since the depression” Here are a few the following article mentions:

“From crisis to catastrophe. Off a cliff. Dark, darker, darkest. Mortal danger of absolute collapse. Armageddon. ”

They are the ones that are “off a cliff” and into a deep ravine.

Carter is also mentioned for his malaise rhetoric, Clinton, for some reason, escaped scrutiny for practicing the politics of fear throughout his campaign when it was the economy stupid, worst economy since Hoover, etc. Hypocrites, one and all.

Aye Chihuahua:

What’s the source for your information?

The salute regulations are in the Marine Handbook and a supplement given to the members of HMX-1.

Whether the President may return the salute or not is cited by your own article.

The source of your mischaracterization of the Marine is the video itself.

As I said, this is a tempest in a leaky teapot.

There are plenty of things to bash Obama about that are real and legitimate. Whether he choses to salute, not salute or be friendly with a Marine is not one of them. If you want to raise this and then expect be taken seriously, that is on you.

Its stupid, childish, and petty.

You are above that. I have seen, read and enjoyed your writings. This issue is not of your caliber.


I have no desire for this thread to devolve into a “Yes he did”, “No he didn’t” sort of back and forth between the two of us.

It is widely known that members of the military, Marines in this case, are expected to salute the CIC as he approaches. That salute is to be held until the CIC passes.

It is widely known that the President is expected to return the salute as he approaches the Marine.

It is widely known that protocol does not call for the President to stop and shake hands with the Marine. The surprised/shocked facial expression of the Marine standing by the helicopter speaks volumes about this.

Those are the points that I was making with the original post.

The breach of widely known, historically recognized protocol is a clear demonstration of Obama’s cluelessness.

You say that you’ve read my writings and, if that’s true, then you should know that I have a firm command of the facts whenever I create a post or response. You should also know that I don’t back down from the facts. This occasion is no different.

Let me say that I’ve read your posts as well, and in that process, I’ve found that your writings are full of opinion and light on factual backing.

In your latest post you’ve added insult and invective to your quiver of arrows.

When you can find me something factual that backs up your claim that it is acceptable protocol for the CIC to interrupt a Marine in the process of saluting in order to shake his hand, let me know.

Until then, you have nothing to contribute beyond more meaningless words on the page with a few insults thrown in to break up the blandness.

Larry #18… How DID I miss this post! OMG, on the floor a’roar, I am.

So is this original? Or is this an uncredited cut paste?

If original, quit curing cancer and sign on as a SNL/Jay Leno/Letterman writer!