Former FBI Director: 9/11 Hijacker’s Phone Played “Integral Role” in Cole Investigation


Believe it or not, there’s yet ANOTHER (I believe this is the fourth) trail of information that shows the U.S. could have prevented the U.S.S. Cole attack, but didn’t. And again-just as with the 9/11 attacks-had they put it together in 2000 it seems very likely they’d have had a greater ability to prevent those September attacks as well.

There are two simple questions: If the NSA was listening in on the bombers putting everything together before the Cole attack, why was it not prevented? Second, why was the hub not shut down after the Cole attack?

I’ll go one further and ask, “How far up the intelligence chain of command did this information go? Did it stop at the CIA in Malaysia, or did it go all the way to Sandy “Sticky socks” Berger?


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Yep, and Clinton’s idiot appointee Jamie Gorelick, O’Bunko’s current appointee for AG, was THE main reason why that problem existed then.

Oh, yeah, O’Bummer is the change we’ve all been dreading. And, guess what, when bad stuff happens he’s going to rewrite history and spin it so it was all Bush’s fault, not his and the Demoncraps.

Arrrrgh, how can America have been sooooo stooooopid???!!!!

We were lied too/ Again. I asked the FBI in person at a meeting just that question. This was before all this information had been made public, and before 911. I was told that all the conservations had not been taped. I found that difficult to believe then. I kept pressing as to why. But kept getting differentt answers. I think I know why now. I even had the FBI come to my house and ask me why I was making such a big deal out this. I had sent emails out to everyone and their brother. My wife was shocked that they were angry at me for looking for the truth. And people wonder why I do not trust government, and or politicans. They also wanted to know where I was getting some of my information from. It was insane. I pointed to my TV and told them “My top secret decoding machine” I only had WEB TV then. The net was fairly new.Needless to say they did not laugh.

But now I hope our Senator Cornyn will get those answers in the comming hearing. if its not canceled. Why was the truth suppressed. Even before 9/11. To gain more information from the HUB. That can’t be it. 9/11 proves that. Or was it just plain bungling on the part of our agencies that were supposed to protect us. And who gave them the order to lie to us. Clinton, and or Bush?

Or did they wait too long to act on the information after they had recieved it to save the 17 sailors? We all need answers. But my fear is that our government will keep this hid until all the players are long gone and out of reach of any negative consequences. It want surprise me at all if my daughter when she 60 willl wake up to the Headlines that 10/12, and 9/11 could have been prevented. Its always that way with our politicians. And then the new politicians drag out the remaining family members and make an apology to them, or give them a medal. How many times have we see this. And its all in the name of “National Security”

So friking sad.

Seems to me that during the “Able Danger” investigation both plots were suspected because Atta got picked up associating with suspected terrorists on Atlantic Ave in Bklyn.
But suddenly someone close to Clinton in the administration had the whole project closed down.
From my recollection, there was no name attached to that person.
And that was before the Cole incident.
Makes someone wonder. Doesn’t it.. Could that be why they have smeared the officer in charge that tried to speak out?

@Gary G. Swenchonis:

“Needless to say they did not laugh”

Yeah, they have no sense of humor. Dull, flat, … seemingly lobotomized. I wonder if it’s their training, or the selection process (weeding out all but the most robotic) or a combination of both?

Any government bureaucrat hates the truth, because it ultimately means that a thorough restructuring may be done, and that by other bureaucrats who have no sense of truth, so even if he’s been honest he’ll probably still be caught in the net with the bad fish. Ok, while that may be one reason, it’s not the most general, though I’m not sure how best to express it. Perhaps just that revealing any mistakes or problems could have negative repercussions that the one who blew the whistle will feel, and doesn’t want to. So, although you might find some who you can get to lead you to material so you can “discover” stuff for yourself, I doubt you will find anyone who will be forthright about something they could be hurt by revealing.

Remember the Challenger disaster? If it weren’t for Richard Feynman the truth never would have come out, even though it was staring them in the face.

He said a few people led him to evidence, but didn’t dare tell him what they thought it meant, because if he couldn’t figure it out, their words could get them in big trouble [I may be reading more into that then he was implying – I read it many years ago]. And even after he found the problem, if not for his insistance those in charge of the “investigation” would have burried the truth, because it makes them all look bad.

That may be what you are running into. As best I can tell it’s a kind of herd instinct rather than a “conspiricy.” But given the way they behave, confronting them with the truth is probably the least effective way of getting the answers you are looking for.

I don’t know if reading Feynman’s account of the problems he had would give you any ideas, but in case it might it’s in this book of his…

Anyway, I wish I knew more of how to advise you what to do, but I don’t. As I’ve said before, though, I wish you success in finding the answers you are looking for.

OK, here’s an example of bureaucratic incompetence, the kind they will never admit to…

Thank-you. I agree its not a conspiracy. Its more of some people wanting to protect their jobs and careers. We have a few people now from their side who have agreed to come forward and speak the truth. Will it ever happen though? Who knows? We are just tired of all the lies and want the truth to be know. Would anyone be punished? I don’t think so. How often do we hear of a politician getting any real form of punishment. Not very often. Most of them are above the law.
But the truth would be nice anyway. But thank you for your advice. And I will try to read the book as well.

@Gary G. Swenchonis:

I very much hope you have success in discovering the information you seek and being able to achieve a satisfactory “closure.”
