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Obama showed his true colors long before the election His reversal on FISA, public financing and troop withdrawal for starters. Liberals have no one to blame but themselves. The Hoax of Obama continues, looks like he will get away with all of his dirty Chicago dealings as well.

It’s clear that a great many libs will flip on a dime and rediscover patriotism. I’m not sure if Scott has posted Joel Stein’s words from the L.A. Times:

… I’ve come to believe conservatives are right. They do love America more. Sure, we liberals claim that our love is deeper because we seek to improve the United States by pointing out its flaws. But calling your wife fat isn’t love. True love is the blind belief that your child is the smartest, cutest, most charming person in the world, one you would gladly die for. I’m more in “like” with my country.

On the other hand, the America haters are unlikely to give up their self loathing just because Obama was elected.

I was reading a speech by Winston Churchill in 1935 that addresses the point:

“Our difficulties come from the mood of unwarranted self abasement into which we have been cast by a powerful secion of our own intellectuals. They come from the acceptance of defeatist doctrines by a large proportion of our politicians. But what have they to offer but a vague internationalism, a sqaulid materialism and the promise of impossible Utopias?”

Obama will do what is good for Obama. This country and its people can go hang for all he cares as long as the press adulates him and puts his puss in the papers on a regular basis. This guy is a narciscist. He looks in the mirror, the water, and silverware at all times to see his wonderful face. If he does Bush III I, for one, will be happy. However, I don’t think he will in the long run. I believe the dems will repeal the act limiting the presidency for this guy if they can along with other socialists laws they have held back because they could not get them through. He will not veto a single one.We are in for a rough haul. It was a big mistake to lower the voting age to 18 but if the dems have their way even babies will have the vote with their parents voting for them. These kids don’t understand anything past Britney Spears and Paris Hilton so how could they understand the dangerous world we live in today. They voted an empty suit with a coke fried brain to lead us because they think he is cool. However, they will wake up when he limits their freedom and they will squawk the loudest and probably take to the streets.

Those same kids that devoted their very souls to getting this fraud elected may regret it when he brings back the draft.

Say. If Obama is Bush lite doesn’t that mean you guys should like him?

Say. If Obama is Bush lite doesn’t that mean you guys should like him?

I do, but only with as much resolve and conviction to policy and principle as he demonstrates. Get it?

Have you seen the few predictions out there that many of the left will discover a sudden appreciation of B43 policies when they become O44 policies? They will begin to heal from BDS as Obama gently administers a sugar coated dose of Bush lite, not to be confused with Busch lite. Busch lite, and much of it, will be reserved for the kos/firedoglake crowd.

OT, Mike, do you remember Tom Roeser? I don’t remember if it was Reagan or Bush 41 that he worked for, but, here’s another problem that really isn’t a problem with the MSM. But if it were BuchCheneyHitlerMcBurton it would be.

madmonq: Doesn’t that mean you should hate him?

Besides, why should we prefer the lite version over the real thing?

Because Bush light is less filling and tastes great?

“Say. If Obama is Bush lite doesn’t that mean you guys should like him?” (Madmonkey)

I would reverse the question. If Obama is Bush lite, doesn’t that mean that you guys will start appreciating one of your greatest President: Georges W. Bush?

But answering your real question, I would have to answer: NO. Because this guy is not even close to the greatness of Georges W. Bush. Obama is all smoke and mirrors. Right now, this fraud is playing a poker game, he is bluffing ang gets away with it because he relies on your head in the sand attitude.

You mix and match your metaphors like Ray Charles were dressing himself. Musta been Brother Ray reading the (lack of) intelligence briefings before the Iraq War.

The greatness of Georges W Bush? He’s the reason people were willing to vote for a smoke and mirrors poker game in the sand player(attitude?)(??). That was one of the reasons Obama was able to beat an honorable war vet (with his tranny W vice presidential candidate). That’s how bad things had gotten.

Here we go again, another connoissuer of lefty talking points who’s obviously allergic to carrots. A trip to the archives will provide proper nourishment that could allow “madmong” a real eye-opener, an opportunity to see the light. I doubt he/she/it has the intestinal fortitude to make that venture, carry on silly one.


Leftist Democrats will never be able to see Georges W.Bush greatness. Why? Because they are idiots. As simple as that.

As real as BDS is, so too conversely is the reality that once a non-B is in office, with a D behind their blame….the BDS claims evaporate and dissolve. That’s the nature of BDS. It’s Bush-centric.

We see it already EVERY DAY. Obama will push for FISA, and the alleged threat will be ignored. He might even be praised, but when GWB says it, BDS kicks in and he’s opposed. Just as Howard Dean’s rants about neocon cabals sound almost verbatim to Osama Bin Laden’s, so too will Obama’s rationale for keeping US troops in Iraq, for sending more troops to Afghanistan, for bombing Iran, for continuing tax cuts (though they’ll no longer be called The Bush Tax Cuts), and so on.

The One can do no wrong.


When the msm starts posting pictures of him without his halo…then we’ll know the honeymoon is over.

Note to Democrats: there is a reckoning that starts in 20 days. Obama’s opponents (40-50% of America) are going to start calling him on every broken promise, and on every continuation of a Bush policy that was either blocked or suffered because of BDS.

2009, the year of the progressive reckoning.