I’ve Got a Fever, and the Only Cure Is…[Reader Post]


uncle-sam.jpgSam was lying on the bed, writhing, his head going rapidly to the right and to the left, the eyes under his closed eyelids moving rapidly, licking his fever-dried lips with his tongue. Everyone around the bed looked very concerned and anxious.

“Doc, is he going to be all right? I’m really worried,” young George opined.

“Well, it’s upsetting to see him like this, but he’s always had a strong constitution,” said the doctor, reassuringly.

“Look he’s coming out of it!”

Sam’s eyes flickered rapidly. He lifted his head up and leaned on his elbow and stroked his long white beard meditatively. “What happened?” he asked, looking around with some confusion.

“Sam! You were delirious! You were saying crazy things!” cried little Molly.

“I was?” said Sam, his curiosity aroused. “What was I saying?”

“I’LL tell him!” said Samuel, warning off the other children with his strong glance.

“You were saying, ‘Change you must believe in’, and ‘O Bummer! O Bummer!’ and ‘I am the one you have been waiting for’, and ‘Hope and change! Hope and change! Hope and change! Hope and…”

“All right! All right! I get the idea!” cried Sam, chuckling. He paused for a beat and commented quietly, “I wasn’t making much sense was I?”

“NO!” “No, you weren’t!” all the children chimed in.

“I think the fever may have broken for good now, at least, that’s what I’m hoping,” said the doctor hopefully. “I was taking a lot of measurements every day and you never did get over 50%, which is the danger point in cases like this. If your fever had passed over 50% and stayed there until November we might have lost you for good. But since it looks like the fever has broken, we have hope for a change.”

Everyone stared at the doctor.

“Sorry…” the doctor said meekly.

“How did I come out of it, doc?” queried Sam.

“Well, I’m not entirely sure, but we did give you ‘The Celebrity Slap’.”

“The what, now?” said Sam.

“The Celebrity Slap…when you start thinking you’re a celebrity we slap you in the face. Your numbers started coming down right after that. It’s worked before in these cases,” explained the Doc.

“Well, kids, if I ever start getting crazy like that again, just give me another slap like that!” laughed Sam.

“Sure, thing, Sam! We’d love to!” they cried enthusiastically.

“Come here kids and give me a hug! There isn’t a luckier man alive to have nieces and nephews like you! I love you guys,” said Sam with emotion in his voice.

“We love you, too, Uncle Sam!” said the children, with genuine affection.

“It’s gonna take more than this to kill YOU, you old bird!” joked the doctor, pulling on Sam’s long white beard. “Thank God you’ve got such a strong Constitution, stronger than a wild turkey or an old grizzly bear!”

“AND thanks to you and your prescriptions, Doctor Madison!” rejoined Uncle Sam. “I think we’re gonna be JUST fine!”

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okay, that was funny. the celeb slap. just what obama needs, to have a smack down. have you seen his plane? air farce one. what a dumbass.

White House needs a slap, too.


I’ve been hearing about how “Obama mania” was wearing off since a few days before Super Tuesday. I suggest we wait and see.