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Thanks, Mike…great ad. And, I like how Senator McCain is turning Obama’s use of the word ‘hope’ into something concrete: an individual who will actually WORK to accomplish things rather than sit around hoping for some mystical force to fix all of our problems.

It is an excellent ad. and what the majority of Americans want to hear, McCain highlites the concerns of folk at home struggling to get by. Meanwhile Obama is off on his foreign tour in an attempt to make friends and influence people he thinks he will be hobnobbing with over the next “8 – 10 years”.

The ad is perfect.

Barack Obama is a Harvard socialist. John McCain is “just folks,” who relies on common sense. Drill now for more energy. McCain is the real hope and change you can believe in.

Sorry, doesn’t pass the sniff test. Doesn’t McCain still oppose drilling in Anwar?

Oh, I forgot you guys like hypocrisy.

Fit Fit: No doubt you read my earlier post on just how quickly we can get new oil supplies to the American consumer once the DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS lift the restrictsions they have placed on new energy production.

Your snide attempt to DISTRACT (to use Obama’s favorite word) from that issue is what doesn’t pass the smell test.

ANWR isn’t the issue here. Besides, YOUR GUY opposes drilling there and everywhere else.

Notice the difference?

What I noticed was that until a month ago, McCain opposed offshore drilling as well. He’s been part of the do nothing Congress for 25+ years. I have no problem with the drilling, but selling it as a solution isn’t the straight talk McCain used to be famous for.

Foolish consistency is the hob goblin of little minds Fit Fit.

McCain had the good sense to realize that a no drill position was not only STUPID, but WRONG.

I’m also reminded of that quote by John Maynard Keynes: “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”

And again, do we need to repeat what has been written here often, and that is that drilling is just one part of the solution?

So far, all you folks seem to come up with is conservation only and that is NO SOLUTION AT ALL.

So spare me the endless repetition of the same shopworn socialist shibboleths and get some new material.

Barack Obama is a Harvard socialist. John McCain is “just folks,” who relies on common sense.

Are you talking about the “just folks” who’s a millionaire U.S. senator, who attended a private high school before going to Annapolis, and whose father and grandfather both attended Annapolis and were both admirals in the Navy? That “just folks?”

Ah, yes. The common touch.

Mike’s America,

I believe Obama is an anti-American marxist revolutionary with Jihadi sympathies. I believe as President he could take away many of our civil rights and all sorts of protections we take for granted. An economic collapse is also not out of the question.

However, that being said the two biggest issues on deck are Iran and Oil. Iraq and Afghanistan are a close third and fourth.

Iran is dicey. Dubya has clearly punted to Israel. If Israel can’t or won’t do the job right we could be in one hell of a mess. Ralph Peters had a good article on the situation last week.

My problem with McCain ( and Dubya), is that they have not prepared the American Public for the difficulties, complexities and potential sacrifices that America could face with Iran going Nuclear or a flubbed Israeli strike on Iran’s Nuclear facilities. War rarely if ever goes according to plan, particularly in a complex situation. If the America Public and Media is not rock solid behind our potentially difficult response to a Iran fiasco, eviscerates our policy and limits our options to inadequate ones like the media did to our Iraq policy, our way of life could be toast. The situation could easily spiral out of control with dirty bombs or real nuclear devices going off here.

The Congressional offshore oil ban expires September 30. All the Republicans have to do is to filibuster its renewal or sustain a Bush Veto. However, there are many shaky Republican votes against the ban. McCain’s support for the ANWR ban gives cover to moderates and dems supporting the ban. MC CAIN MUST GET OUT IN FRONT ON THIS ISSUE OF DRILLING AND ANWR. OIL IS KEY TO OUR SECURITY AND ECONOMY. HE CAN’T PUSSYFOOT AROUND LIKE HE HAS. NO MORE APPEASING LEFTIES. If McCain doesn’t lead on drilling and the ban continues, our economic security will be shredded.

The markets need to know that the USA will defend our and the Free World’s economic and security interests. The dollar is partly tanking because people are scared and fear they can’t rely on America to defend the free world and its Capitalist system.

Without a solution to the oil crises even with Mc Cain as President, the economy will continue to go south, with less and less lending, and more and more foreclosures and bankruptcies. The downturn could snowball causing employment not seen since the Depression.

Republicans will then take all the blame and we will be in a much worse and very precarious situation in four years. We could be ripe for a leftist takeover.

Paul: I think McCain understands that he can’t afford to back down on this drilling issue. If he does, he loses the election.

It’s his best issue.

It will be interesting to see what happens when the congressional ban on offshore drilling comes up for renewal.

I happen to think we’ll have a bill soon that allows some drilling offshore, but not everywhere. The Senate bill still restricts drilling offshore from Florida.

It would be better if they let the entire drilling moratorium expire but I doubt they will.