Same Church…..different Reverend….more “deep disappointment”


You’d think that after all the controversy that has plagued the Obama campaign in shaking off associations to Reverend Wright, Michael Pfleger would have better sense than to deliver this on Sunday:

You’d think….but they can’t help being who they are; because of course, they see nothing wrong with who they are. Why would anyone hold beliefs, they feel are wrong? Yet, here come the apologies [by way of Hot Air]:

Senator Obama:

“As I have traveled this country, I’ve been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that that unites us. That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger’s divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn’t reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause,” Obama said in a statement…

Reverend Pfleger:

“I regret the words I chose on Sunday. These words are inconsistent with Senator Obama’s life and message, and I am deeply sorry if they offended Senator Clinton or anyone else who saw them.”

What is so baffling to me, is the lack of sense and judgment.

The deep disappointment (how many more of these “deep disappointments” are we going to have to hear about, before this campaign is through?) and apology are only being delivered because of politics. At least Reverend Wright has the backbone to stand by his beliefs and be himself. Think anyone will be enough of a knucklehead to claim that the 3-4 minute video excerpt of the sermon is “being taken out of context”?

Jack Tapper on Pfleger:

A fiery liberal social activist and a white reverend at an African-American church — St. Sabina’s Catholic Church on the South Side of Chicago — is a longtime friend and associate of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, having known him since the presidential hopeful was a community activist. In September, the Obama campaign brought Pfleger to Iowa to host one of several interfaith forums for the campaign.

Their relationship spans decades. Pfleger has given money to Obama’s campaigns and Obama as a state legislator directed at least $225,000 towards social programs at St. Sabina’s, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Via Huffington Post:

Pfleger, known locally as a community activist and organizer, was arrested in June 2007 with the Rev. Jesse Jackson during a protest outside of a south suburban Chicago gun shop. The criminal trespass charges were later dropped.

He also has hosted Louis Farrakhan, the controversial leader of the Nation of Islam, at St. Sabina and has called him “a gift from God to a sick, sick world.”

Hat tip: Hugh Hewitt

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Another friend and supporter of Barack Hussein revealed. This man (BHO)) is a danger to the country, and that’s before the issues are even considered.

That Pfleger is one nasty piece of work. He’s an extreme example of a white self loathing liberal who hates the fact that he is white and pretends he is black.

Barry Hussein et al are only deeply disturbed that media shills have been unable to bury all of this stuff and keep it from the public eye. I’m hopeful that most of those who are paying attention have finally come to the conclusion that this is the stuff that Obama actually believes! You don’t associate with a long list of racist, anti-American nuts for two decades if you are “deeply disturbed” every time they open their mouths. Without the 24/7 protection of the MSM this joker would be out of the presidential sweepstakes and perhaps even back in Chicago where he belongs. MCCain won’t expose him. God help us if someone doesn’t get the job done.

Whattya know.

The lefty Glenn Beck.

Separated at birth?


I’m trying to imagine how hard you would be on Glenn Beck if you actually listened to or watched his programs.

Call me the skeptic, but why wouldn’t any of you consider that this is deliberate? Any Reverend in that pulpit on a Sunday knows he’s preaching in a fishbowl. Any Reverend knows his words will be parsed, and sent out on the next media dispatch.

It can be said with confidence that Pfleger supports BHO, and would not do anything to harm him. So what did he do?

He gave Obama yet another public opportunity to “distance himself” from radical white hate preaching. Pfleger doesn’t suffer any more damage to his reputation than he already enjoys. Obama comes out smelling like a rose with another big hit of free publicity for a 72 hour news cycle.

I, for one, refuse to fall for this BS…

Pleger received $225,000 in taxpayer funds through Obamanation earmarks.

Aye Chihuahua typed:

I’m trying to imagine how hard you would be on Glenn Beck if you actually listened to or watched his programs.

I have Aye.

Beck is scary stupid.

Explains the large audience. College drop out top-40 DJ to well respected conservative journalist/pundit.

Is this a great country or what?

Scary stupid?

That’s funny.

Beck is a multi-millionaire, NYT best-selling author, and has the third most listened to radio show in the country.

What are your accomplishments in comparison?

Actually it is a great country.

We agree on that much at least.

Aye Chihuahua wondered:

Scary stupid?

That’s funny.

It really is.

You’re familiar with PT Barnum and Mark Twain aren’t you?

Beck makes a lot of money pandering to the fears of nervous, white middle class types. In a country where Budweiser is the preferred tipple and McDonald’s the dining experience of the masses what would you expect?

The link regarding the Obamanation’s pork for Pfleger,0,1762523.story


You’re a silly, silly little man.

“I regret the words I chose on Sunday. These words are inconsistent with Senator Obama’s life and message, and I am deeply sorry if they offended Senator Clinton or anyone else who saw them.”

Wel, the dem modis operandi is to say these things then halfway apologize for them. But the words are out there and stick in the minds of the polulace. And if you repeat something enough times it becomes the truth. This is the way of the left. And the idea that Clinton thinks she deserves the nomination because she is white by the same mindset then Obama thinks he seserves the nomination because he is black. Race has been broght into this election with a vengeance. It has brough the whole issue into the light of day and is probably not a good thing. I beleive it has set us back decades. The hatred that is shown by the dems and the left are mind boggling. What used to be reserved for republicans are now being dished out to dems. It is too funny watching them eat their own.

Yes, Pfleger chose those words, he thought, planned and probably rehersed that sermon before entering that pulpit. That church full of parishoners cheered him on.

I think Mata is right, they knew this would become public, convenient, isn’t it. Trouble is, Obama’s relationship with this nut has been ongoing for over 20 years. Everything stupid thing Pfleger has done as far as I can remember has made the news around here, it isn’t like Obama didn’t know what Pfleger was. He’s in his inner circle, has been since the young whelp hit town. Judgement?

that man seems justr as scary as all of the others… man