Harkins Revisionist History


Aye Chihuahua in the comment section of this thread found this video of Sen. McCain answering Sen. Harkins charge that when we left Vietnam there was no bloodbath.

It appears Harkin and Obama are much alike. They both twist history until it doesn’t look like reality anymore in a sad attempt to justify their appeasement of countries who deserve no such thing and their wish to cut and run from Iraq.

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Great video catch Curt. We will need the wealth of the “instant internet documentation” to constantly rein in those who attempt to change historical facts.

This is incredible, but not surprising. Sen Harkin has been appointed attack dog on McCain’s military record. The clain is that McCain is overqualifiedfor the presidency. The Dems seem to think that attacking a war hero with a guy who claimed VietNam War air combat missions that was proved to be lies is a good idea.


You know, can these Dems sink any lower? I don”t think so…sigh.