Disappointed Environuts


Sucks to be disappointed aye?

Understanding the ocean’s effect on climate took a quantum leap forward in 2003 when the first of 3,000 new automated ocean buoys were deployed, a significant improvement over earlier buoys that took their measurements mostly at the ocean’s surface.

The new buoys, known as Argos, drift along the world’s oceans at a depth of about 6,000 feet constantly monitoring the temperature, salinity, and speed of ocean currents. Every 10 days or so a bladder inflates, bringing them to the surface as they take their readings at various depths.

Once on the surface, they transmit their readings to satellites that retransmit them to land-based computers.

The Argos buoys have disappointed global warming alarmists in that they have failed to detect any signs of imminent climate change. As Dr. Josh Willis noted in an interview with National Public Radio, “there has been a very slight cooling” over the buoy’s five years of observation.

Actual observations trump computer models and as we learn more about the Earth we start to realize how puny and irrelevant man’s contribution to climate change really is.

While irresponsible environmentalists panic over warming, the Earth cools and goes with the ocean flow.

Tack this onto the recent news from a German study that claimed while the globe is “definitely warming” it will actually cool down for a few years. No need to worry tho. We’re all still doomed.

Why was this study done tho? I’ll tell ya why. Because the environuts were so shaken by the contradictions between their computer forecasts and the actual data collected they had to explain it all away somehow.

How supposedly intelligent reasonable people fall for this crap is beyond me.

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“Actual observations trump computer models.”

Absolutely right.

All the alarmist predictions of doom proclaimed by the envirozealots are based on flawed comupter models.

Like the Aqua satellite observations we are finally able to get a better understanding on how the world works.

Unfortunately, the envirozealots are still pushing ahead with plans to address a problem that doesn’t exist. Meanwhile, worldwide efforts to combat poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy suffer.

They are still looking for Manbearpig, with the Goracle as the High Priest oftheChurch of Manbearpig.

It is funny how facts and actual science debunks all their computer models.

“How supposedly intelligent reasonable people fall for this crap is beyond me.”

Same way someone like Gore could come to within a hair’s breadth of becoming president, or how Obama can be so popular, especially when the MSM either withhold info, or actually outright lie to them. Some people are so busy with work and family that they have no time to investigate on their own, so they are at the mercy of the overwhelmingly Leftist ideologues who control information distribution, and those who pander to them.

I wonder how much these buoys cost and who paid for them. Why not just throw moneydown the toilet and watch it float? The idea that puny man in all his conceit can change the forces of nature is mind boggling. But then there is that old adage, “if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? As I said man’s conceit is limitless for some people.

Maybe the seawater is getting colder because all of the ice is melting……..

Maybe the seawater is getting colder because all of the ice is melting……..

Desperate, John Ryan. LOL

Wow that is the most amazing thing I have ever heard. It is the chnging of the currents in the oeans that cool them not ice.

John Ryan: See the latest post on sea ice:

Southern Sea Ice at Historic Levels!

Clearly it’s colder or there would not be sooooo much ice!

Desperate ??? just look at what NOAA says the only people who don’t believe in global warming are the Paul bots.
NOAA says that we are getting warmer. Period

The facts kind of get in the way. They are using better equipment and the oceans are getting cooler. Why is it so hard for you to let go of the nonsnese. I am still trying to figure out why all of the “scientists” computer models are not coming to fruition. Humm could it be that they can not use computer models to forcast the Climate. Could be. Or maybe their computer models are made so that Global Warming is coming to make some money. I mean if the world is not going to fall apart and everything is normal, then where do they get their money. thy would be out of a job.

Everytime you bring up so called facts, it is debunked. Give it up. You are just making a fool of yourself. The computer models are wrong and they are just covering thier ass with this ridiculous notion that actually natural effects are going to slow down Manbearpig. Maybe Manbearpig is just a myth that the Goracle and his disciples made up. Maybe we were in a natural Warming period, back from the Little Ice Age, and now we are going to cool down again. It also might have someting to do with no Sunspots on the Sun. Hmm the studies of climate change in the past corresponds to little or no Sunspots on the Sun. Could be a sign, or maybe actuallly stidying the science and historical records is not the way to do it. Just make a computer model that says we are doomed. Yeah that’s it.

Adn cooler temperatures in the ocean are because of the cycles in the ocean. That is why we have El Ninos and La Ninas and they come in cycles. Just like everything else on the Earth.

And The Earth has nevrer stayed the same and there is no such thing as Equilibrium on the Earth. It is in constant change. Just look the Moon is moving farther away from the Earth every year and changes the tides, would that have an effect on the Ocean currents, or is it some Mythical Creature that AlGOre made up

Desperate ??? just look at what NOAA says the only people who don’t believe in global warming are the Paul bots.

Okay, John Ryan… Trying to keep my sides form splitting here… still trying! oh, what the hell… ROTFLMPAO!

The only thing that tops your insane belief that the oceans are a monstrous shot glass of tequila that gets watered down and cooled by the ice caps/cubes is your reading deficit … that you believe NOAA is accusing people who question the science and technology of being “Paul-bots”.

Ain’t gonna happen in my lifetime, or yours, Bubba. NOAA ain’t about to take political sides. Their bread is buttered by whomever is in power.

OMG! I can’t even type it without losing it!! NOAA/Paulbots and polar ice caps/cubes. Too little sleep for work schedule here. This could just bust my gut! Somebody call an ambulance!

Mach… where’s the house shots”??? Need a B-52 fast!

Sure now the Enviro-loons are trying to blame their idiot predictions on Ron Raul…it’s time for a full assault on the Greenie Commies!