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Oh he believes. He also believes, if he says to right things to us, he can have it both ways. He doesn’t deserve any of the passes he’s been getting. He’s on  a mission to obtain the highest position in this land. And then, with more double-talk, will finagle the retributions these eternal victims of the white man, deserve.

At this point I would like someone to come out with video showing Rev. Wright engaged in "normal" preaching, like a traditional sermon about God.I am thinking this doesn’t even exist on video.

That’s a good idea Michael and I wonder why the Obama campaign hasn’t suggested it?

I’m wondering if someone will uncover a video of Obama sitting in the pews applauding one of Wright’s rants. Or, did he have the good sense to waaayyyy to the back of the church?

This time it’s my turn to agree with you Christine. Obama’s getting all sorts of passes from the MSM, who are terrified that the least bit of critical coverage will get them painted with the old “racist” brush that they’ve used to ruin the careers / lives of so many people. Wright calls up the old tired diatribe; all the suffering of the third world is the fault of the advanced “white” nations, and things can only be made right again once things have been made equal by them giving away all their “ill gotten gains” away to same said third world nations. Obama’s candidacy is a giant ode to identity politics, stepping back from the idea that we are all first and foremost Americans, and back to the old bromide that people should be first owe allegiance to their racial / ethnic group, nation of origin, etc. Let us hope that the American electorate rejects the MSM’s falsely polished image of Obama (they’ve already tried to sweep Wright under the rug), and reject identity politics in favor of McCain, a man who calls upon all of our highest American patriotic ideals.

To the wrong Rev. Wright,
Take your BIGOT BLACK ASS BACK TO AFRICA FOOL,if you dont like it $^%^ off

I’m wondering if someone will uncover a video of Obama sitting in the pews applauding one of Wright’s rants.

I recall during one of those taped rants (can’t remember which one), when Wright pointed into one of the inside rows of the audience, saying, “There’s a man right here who will work to change all that…” or something like that.

Sure he didn’t know anything about Wright’s views 😉

And Mike – he likes it just fine. He’s about to move into a 10,000 square foot house worth somewhere around $1.5 million, which sits on a golf course. And get this – no blacks in the neighborhood. Isn’t that interesting… He hates white people but would rather not live where black people live.

@Michael Carr: one on the main things working class americans will soon find out. despite many people’s obsessions wth obama’s skin color, is he’s a smart a thoughtful POLITICIAN. he speaks 4 working class folks, he pushes policies that will benefit the less fortunate. on the other hand if u cannot see what the other side will do, u’ll probably deserve what coming to u. the dollar is worthless, china will call in america’s debt. u’ll be scambling 2 stay alive, and the wicked one’s will be laugh and saying to themselves. “boy, most american citizens r some dumb fucks”. don’t 4 get presidents have been killed in this land. he probably would like 2 live wth his family after 2016. little does he know. getting bin laden, probably costed him his lfe. bin laden followers r so dumb, they never stop to ask their leaders. If all u say about suicide is true. why aren’t u the 1st 2 strap on a bomb 4 this so-called just cause.