Lauer Smacking Mitt, Hugging Hillary


Kathryn at The Corner on Matt Lauer’s obvious bias today when he interviewed Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton:

This morning, the Today Show host interviewed Mitt Romney with hostility and Hillary Clinton with protective understanding. He asked Mitt if he’s a liar buying the election and he asked Hillary about her emotions, both aired near the top of the show, Romney was live, Hillary was taped. I hate being the predictable conservative complaining about the mainstream media, but I know what I saw

You really have to watch the video yourself to see the underlining bias here. Example:

Lauer to Romney – What do you think about McCain saying your trying to buy this election?

Lauer to Romney – Is it all about your money?

Lauer to Romney – Is this state a referendum on your viability as a Presidential candidate?

But when he gets to Hillary his tone softens and he asks:

Lauer to Hillary – The strain started to show a bit?

Lauer to Hillary – I would say its a defining moment in your political life!

Lauer to Hillary – Share how you feel about the comparison between Obama and MLK?

It’s actually quite funny to see it back to back like this.

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Conservatives, of course, prefer the “objective” reporting they see on FoxNews, with Bill O’Rielly’s “Body Language” seminars.

He’s just celebrating the newest member of the fresh remade Hillary to the KGB

Kinder Gentler B**ch

More streams of Conservative hate. What would Conservatives do without their hate?

The greatest risk to Conservatives is that Hillary Clinton might NOT be the Democratic nominee for President. Without someone to hate, Conservatives would drift, rudderless and without purpose. They wuold be lost without their hate.

Again, the only ones with hate in their heart is You Steve and the rest of the radical left. Please seek help for your rampant projectionism and paranoia. At least you have a chance to save yourself from the delusions of the left.

Conservatives do not need to hate and never have. Equal rights (with no “more equal” PC subgroups popular in leftist ideals), limited government, low taxes for everyone (have no need for taxes on the population would be better, but not acheivable), defense of Ameria (vs “blame America first, last and always”), defense against clear and present dangers, and promotion of success (not state sponsored welfare perpetual poverty) are not hate and never will be.

If you want hate, look left. Look at the “anti-war” ralleys, look at the Code Pink protests outside Walter Reed AMC, look at the fact leftist shouting points and terrorist rhetoric are the exact same. Who shot the Airman in NJ on July 4th (as but one example)? Open your mind Steve and see it is the left that truly hates.

But then, why bother with you? You are so full of your cut and paste “two minutes hate” and projectionism that you cannot be reasoned with.

Philly Steve always gives me a good laugh:

“More streams of Conservative hate. What would Conservatives do without their hate?
The greatest risk to Conservatives is that Hillary Clinton might NOT be the Democratic nominee for President. Without someone to hate, Conservatives would drift, rudderless and without purpose. They wuold be lost without their hate.”


just read the comments section of that article. As I said, if you want hate, look left.

Amazing these people who claim “Bush is a criminal” forget FBIGate/FileGate, TravelGate, Loral-China technology exchange for campaign funds, Vince Foster (obstruction of justice at minimum), whitewater, Echelon, Trooper Gate, Rape allegations, Pardon-Gate, the “Gorrillic Wall”, and on and on. In addition, Sen Rockefeller even had a staffer turn against him and leaked an internal memo describing how the left should selectively leak classified materials to hurt the President and the War on Terror (Memo-gate). We also had democratic congressmen going to Syria giving details of US troop movements. Let us also not forget William Jefferson’s “cold cash” case, or many others.

Why have these real criminal acts not been punished?

I found the hypocrisy of it to be the best of all. The moonbats are pissed at Obama because he calls for bi-partisanship (or markets it anyway), and then they completely ignore the fact that NO, the majority of Americans are not partisan hacks, and don’t want to be. The entire gig behind O is that so many people dislike the deep partisanship…the kind of partisanship that keeps the far left alive.

In all seriousness, this divide between the Obama supporters (DINO, independents, and RINO) is a real problem for the far left and the entire right. The right knows it, acknowledges it, and is searching for a counter-candidate, but the left is lost, confused, dazed, and left shaking their fist at one of their own guys. Apparently the KOSsacks etc don’t want a UNITED States of America. They want a Democratic Republic of American States?

“Democratic Republic of American States” sounds a lot like “Democratic ‘Peoples’ Republic of Socialist American States” but I see the reasoning and the looming disaster of the far left.

The way the “farther” leftists are talking (screaming, demanding, pumping fists, etc), the DINOs could find themselves like Trotsky
with the neo-stalinist far left holding the “ice pick”. Remember that Move-on stated in 2004 that the “bought and paid for” the Democratic Party. I do not think Obama fits into their vision of the modern left.

I would also like to remind the leftists that President Bush, much to the dismay of conservatives, worked hand in hand with Ted Kennedy and the Democrats for the Education Bill, Prescription Drug Bill, and Immigration “Reform”. None of these have sat well with conservatives and many were very vocal about it.