Is Ron Paul Racist?


Not good for the Paul Reverists.

Also blogging:
Hot Air

UPDATE by Curt

For those who are excusing Ron Paul for HIS newsletter by stating the guy didn’t write it please take a gander at this PDF, page 2, at the bottom in which the writer wishes everyone Happy Holidays.

“My wife Carol, and our children and grand-children, join me in wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.”

Guess what the name of Ron Paul’s wife is?


Big H/T to LagunaDave at Hot Air for this one.

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The way they attacked Sean Hannity on the streets of New Hampshire, I’d say they were NAZIS!

Yes! Next question.

A conservative Republican a racist ???
Could never happen

The only hole available in the story is that it comes from the TNR, however since the RP had to issue a statement on it, this leads to second source validation.

And John, racism knows no political sides. Though I have met FAR more racist, bigoted, and intolerant leftists than conservatives. That is not to say that I have not met people expousing conservative views who were racists also. However, in the left, they are more accepted, so long as they hate the ‘right’ people (Jews, conservatives, Christians, etc). Look at the signs carried at any “anti-war” protest for evidence. Considering that Stormfront, when not giving money to the RP people, was participating in “anti-war” protests with Cindy Sheehan, you might want to re-evaluate your position.

And no RP is not a “conservative republican”, he is a libertarian.

But, you are a leftist and you are brainwashed into believing that the left’s position is good “For the People(tm)” and that anything not in the left’s ideals is evil. Therefore, to many leftists, conservatives and any other unbelievers are “bad” and “evil”. This may only be one reason behind the left’s visceral hatred for all opponents, but it may be the primary one.

Of course I consider the perpetual poverty and forced reliance on the state encouraged by welfare to be racism.

There are the PDFs I was looking for to show Curt.

Yeah, I actually read one of his newsletters when I was in Texas long ago. I thought I was reading a reprint of the walls of bathroom stalls from all over the state.

Hey Bill. Yeah, these are a bit different from the ones I was talking about last week. Some pretty vile stuff in there.

But even more worrisome is his refusal, or ignorance, in not recognizing what a enemy is. Mainly Fanatical Islam whose motivations are world Sharia domination.

He believes that to appease and hide behind our ocean all will be swell in the world. Candy canes and lollipops for everyone.)

He’s a coward and now a bigot apparently.

Oh yeah! Paul is big time racist.

Interesting mix of stuff in the newsletters. There are things in them that cross the line (as I see it), but there are also many things that I agree with that are nonetheless deeply offensive to James Kirchick. For example, I didn’t find the newsletter on the 1992 LA riots to be particularly off the mark, even if the tone was more lurid than I would think is in good taste. The statements on MLK are largely backed by fact, though as with the left’s attempts to tear down Jefferson we always have to wonder what exactly the agenda is behind airing someone’s dirty laundry more than twenty (or two hundred) years after their death. In general, if this is the worst that could be found by excerpting twenty years of a right-wing newsletter, I’m not all that impressed. And on some specific points it’s clear that Paul disagrees with the views expressed (e.g. Paul has spoken highly of MLK on a number of occasions). I actually found the anti-gay stuff to be the most offensive…


The problem is not some of the partially true statements that Paul makes or facts that he cites, it’s in the hatefilled stereotypes he draws from them. It so similar to the way the serpent tempted Eve in the garden and to the way Satan tempted Christ in the wilderness, it’s eerie.

Paul relies on people having only a vague recollection of US history in order to prop up his half-truths with buzz words that appeal to Christians, Constitutionalists and Reagan Conservatives but more disturbingly his conclusions appeal to 911 truthers, neo-nazis, white supremacists and all other manner of conspiracy theorist.

What he (whoever wrote that) states about the “evil of integration” is not racist, nor is that a racist comment. Even our real estate laws mandate that you can’t steer anyone into a neighborhood (to force integration), but our government is allowed to force anything they want on us??? FORCED ANYTHING is an invasion of personal rights, that creates friction and hatred. If you let people get along on their own (a little old word like TRUST might come to mind) people will eventually get along. Ever try forcing your kids to get along and mingle with someone….it doesn’t work, wake up! Trust in GOD and the hearts of man, stop forcing and it all works out!

Anyone with a computer and a color printer could have mocked up this or any other newsletter.
If this was Ron Paul’s style, this sort of thing would be plentiful, easy to find and all of them would have found their way into the media long before this did.
He’s done better than Thompson (NH: Ron’s 18,303 to Fred’s 2,886) and Giuliani (IA: Ron’s 11,817 to Rudy’s 4,097) on seperate occasions. So it’s not hard to fathom this newsletter could have been conjured or dug up to deflate what little voter support Paul has been getting. Who would do such a thing? Just look at whom or what party might have had the most to gain through Paul’s political demise.
Christ, it’s bad enough the guy can be victorious to any degree as well as Fred and Rudy and not get any coverage and remain excluded from televised debates. Now this? Who is possibly going to find these accusations credible?

Two things you didn’t bother to talk about.

1)Kirchick is a Giuliani supporter.

2)Ron Paul would free the most black men since Lincoln.

I’ve detailed and sourced both claims here.

I look forward to your response.

Why don’t you people read some things that Ron Paul actually wrote instead of debating this fabricated garbage. His views are quite contrary to what you people would like to believe as truth.

Fabricated! Hmmmm, where did I hear this? Oh yeah:

All we got now is the signatures [that is, the claim that the signatures were “faked”], but the point is to repeat it over and over. we can make that thought reality

As usual, you PaulBots move fast. You get marching orders to deny deny deny and here ya are.

A sad pathetic bunch.

It’s funny that Paul supporters are supposed to be the conspiracy theorists, but that’s the first line of defense employed when we ask you to use your own reason to determine the validity of the smear.

Yeah, even funnier when the Ronulans actually ADMIT they will be repeating something they know not to be true, all in the name of making the lie a reality.

I love it:

According to Wirkman Virkkala, formerly the managing editor of the libertarian monthly Liberty, the racist and survivalist elements that appeared in the newsletter were part of a deliberate “paleolibertarian” strategy, “a last gasp effort to try class hatred after the miserable showing of Ron Paul’s 1988 presidential effort.” It is impossible now to prove individual authorship of any particular item in the newsletter, but it is equally impossible to believe that Mr Rockwell did not know of and approve what was going into the newsletter.

This matters because, while Mr Paul may disavow the sentiments that were expressed under his name over the years, he has scarcely disavowed Mr Rockwell, who remains a friend and adviser. Mr Rockwell is one of the congressman’s most vigorous online boosters, accompanied him to an appearance on The Tonight Show, and often publishes Mr Paul’s writings on his Web site. Mr Paul now says the identity of his ghostwriter is of no importance. But if the person responsible for spreading venom under his name for many years remains a close associate, it suggests that Mr Paul is at least prepared to countenance pandering to racists, however respectable his own views. The candidate owes his supporters a far more complete explanation than he has thus far provided.

The Neocon Republic is yellow dog trash journalism. I’m still not supporting their “preferred” candidate, Rudy Giuliani. Before they told us Ross Perot was Hitler. Noone died from the pie charts. Noone will die from any newsletter’s insensitive comments. Ron Paul took moral responsibility years and years ago now it is BREAKING NEWS. What is he supposed to stab himself in the back, bowing to the PC establishment in the process? I know we are supposed to judge a true patriot’s entire life on this. Another primary is coming up. ATTACK NOW. It is time to attack the only Constitutional Repubican in the race. QUICK. Your boomerang journalism does not change the fact that Dr. Ron Paul saves people from miserable lives by defending the Constitution. He always has. All Presidents are supposed to swear to uphold the Constitution, remember? Memo to the Neocons. Ron Paul is a faithful husband of 50 years. He delivered 4,000 babies, was a Vietnam veteran flight surgeon and has been a tireless civil servant. Still is. The Austin NAACP President believes he is a fair guy when he defends the civil liberties and Constitutional rights of those in his community. Time for the political opportunists to exit the glass house and put the stones down.

The newsletters in question were published while Paul was back to his medical practice in the private sector and out of politics. The newsletters (from someone) kept coming without his involvement. How many obstetricians need or stay on top of political newsletter? And this was 15 years ago. He accepted moral responsibility for them at the time even though he had nothing to do with their writing, publication or distribution during that time in his life.

On this Ron Paul is a racist comment. I am not sure if anyone here cares what Linder of the NAACP has to say about Ron Paul’s character. Go google NAACP and Ron Paul, and that should put the racism issue to rest. What you can nail Paul on regarding the newsletters is HORRIBLE judgment. You can attack him having poor judgment. But racism is out.

With the exception of Fred Thompson (occasionally), Dennis Kucinich, Barack Obama and Ron Paul (always) few of the candidates seem to take the *US* Constitution seriously anymore. Our economy and our Constitution are both imploding. This should give us pause or should it? Perhaps we should scrap it and start anew? After all, once in office our elected representative must swear to uphold the *US* (not foreign) Constitution for all people. This includes even their most hated adversaries. People at the extremes defend it because according to this document they deserve equal protection under the law just like everyone else. I support Ron Paul. I love people of all races, religions and sexualities. I happen to be straight and black if you must know. The Ron Paul supporters I know love their country passionately. They are not racist, sexist pigs with tin foil hats or 911 truthers. They are hard working, decent wonderful people who volunteer in their community and take the time to educate themselves on the issues. They are a threat to the establishment because they think outside the box. Please consider voting for Ron Paul. Thank you for your time.

To anyone out there claiming RP is a racist…

Go stick it. First and foremost, those comments weren’t even racist. Secondly, it’s beyond obvious that RP didn’t write them. Take some time and research it. Do you people even know how political newsletters work?

I’m sure RP is a huge racist…who just so happens to want to support constitutionalism, liberty, and rights for everyone without any special treatment for any social group or class. Yeah, that sounds like a total Nazi to me! *E-Sarcasm*

Anyone who degrades (or attempts poorly) to degrade RP is an absolute waste to society. Nothing that man has spoken in all of his years of active politics has been remotely untrue, unfair, racist, or inherently/morally wrong. NOTHING.

When everyone – including the neocons and liberals alike voted to go to war in Iraq (hitlerly voted yes, don’t forget people) …RP was there to say NO.

BEING A NON-INTERVENTIONIST and freedom-fighter is what makes RP so damn desirable to so many people. I love and support RP and his cause, and will continue to do so for years to come.

I challenge any of you to a debate over RP’s political issues. Just try to find me one other candidate for presidency right now and claim they are 1/10 as good. I will cut you down where you stand with historical evidence, proven political science, and real world examples.


Paul has not suspended his campaign like Romney has, so he’s not actually out, but for all intents and purposes it is over.

Yah He may be a racist from his publication in the 90’s. I mean I wonder If John Mccain or George Bush ever got a donation from a racist. Especially since Mccain is going up against a black man. Further more is it Ron Paul’s job to know the ideologies and beilefs of every supporter? The publications from the 90’s may prove him to be racist. He denies he wrote them but he has been Pretty honest in the congess so far. Even Mccain said Ron Paul was the most honest congress man. Even if he did write them that was about 18 years ago. Maybe he realized his mistakes and has changed since then. Could he be a racist? It’s possible. Should it matter? He is going to make the goverment to small to discriminate so no. If you don’t like him because he MAY be a racist don’t vote for him. If you like his stances then check out Bob Barr and Dennis Kucinich.

Hi, I have a link update to the December 1990 newsletter.

Not the best scans, but the close naming his wife is there…


With the exception of Fred Thompson (occasionally), Dennis Kucinich, Barack Obama and Ron Paul (always) few of the candidates seem to take the *US* Constitution seriously anymore.

No, really…seriously?

I know you can’t be serious…it must be a sad, sad effort at a subtle troll.