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Re: “The year al Qaeda lost the war”.


Al Qaeda is stronger than ever in its homelands, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The US Military’s own estimate is that they have rebuilt to “pre-9/11” strength.

“Al Qaede in Iraq”, which according to the US military is less than 10% of the total insurgency is now unpopular in Iraq, mainly because the US is now training, equipping and paying the same Sunni insurgents who until this year were blowing up Americans.

And the violence levels in Iraq are “only” back to their 2005 levels, compared to the prediction of Donald Rumsfeld (the man Dick Cheney said was the “greatest Secretary of Defense in History”) that the occupation would last “six months” at the maximum.

Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda’s spiritual leader is nowhere near to being brought in “dead or alive”. He is safe and living the same life he lead before 9/11, in the rural mountains of hte Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

And Conservatives are high-fiving themselves over their brilliant military victory. I bet the White House will hand out another round of Medals of Freedom for this one.

Until next year, when Conservatives will declare “victory” as something else.

Why do Conservatives hate America so much?

Nice cherry picking, misquoting, and half truthing of reports Steve. Very impressive. I particularly liked the part about how Al Queda is only 10% of the insurgency in Iraq because it ignores the other half of that report (the other half of the truth) that Al Queda was only 10% of the manpower in the insurgency BUT was doing almost all of the suicide attacks which made up for 70-80% of the killing.

Why do faux liberals close their minds to the full truth so much?

Philly Steve is being consistent as always in his insistence that we have lost, we cannot win, we are losers.

When in reality it is he who has lost, he who can never win and he who is a loser!

Even Al Queda has figured out that they lost the battle for Iraq and their plans for the great caliphate with Baghdad as the capital is finished.

President Bush drew a line in the sands of Iraq and guess what? When Al Queda tried to step over it they got KILLED!

Poor Steve. It must be a miserable way to live insisting every day that your nation is a loser when in fact it’s just him.

I’ve started to notice that a lot of Steve’s responses are identical, and I’m not sure if it’s some sort of psychosis like a Pavlovian thing (ring the bell, the dog salivates, say “Al Queda in Iraq” and he kicks out the same half quotes as usual), OR it could just be his head spinning every time he tries to rationalize why he’ll vote for Hillary (a candidate who promoted the war, had better intel access than anyone, authorized the war, supported the war, funded the war, called for more troops and a change to a new strategy, etc). It’s gotta be an Excedrin moment for Democrats who have to face that reality. They have to live in a fantasy world where Kucinich wins, or envision themselves pulling a lever for Bush Lite when it comes to Iraq policy.

My favorite part about Steve’s comment was that somehow or another he’s got the audacity to suggest that he knows more about Iraq than Lt. Col. Ralph Peters-the guy who wrote the article.

Another Excedrin moment for the open-minded people who can’t open their minds to whole truths. Here’s a whole truth: when Democrats like Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Edwards etc tell us that the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terror (or only 10% of it does as Steve suggests), the WHOLE TRUTH is that 1.5million Americans have been over there. They’ve seen the terrorism, and they know a war on terror when they see one.

That might require Excedrin migraine. Sorry.


The only losers worse off than AQ are those leftist traitors like you who lie, defamed, stabbed us in the back, and betrayed us again, and again and again.

I believe the LTC’s article was what the MILBOLGs have been saying for months. I was there to see this unfold and am happy to say I am still working to ensure AQ is crushed (even though it breaks Steve’s and other leftists’ little seditious heart).

“Why do Conservatives hate America so much?”

You are projecting again Steve. The only people holding up signs saying “death to America” besides the islamists are the leftists. The only ones who hate and despise America are the leftists.

Seek mental help for your projection issues.

Yep Yep, I read the story buried on page 14 of the New York Times of all papers!

Gee, The media sure has slacked off on it’s coverage of Iraq lately. Could it be because the situation has turned to OUR favor? And the Iraqi’s are fed up and turning in terrorists every day? And Iraqi’s are streaming home?

I guess we have to conclude that when Britney Spears, Anna Nicole, or any of the other hollyweird crap captures the main story, all must be going well in Baghdad!!

To be honest, I don’t think Al Qaeda is winning, but they haven’t lost yet! Which means we haven’t finished the fight yet either.

The point of a war is to force one’s political will upon another. The use of terrorism is to force a change in political will through terror. Americans are no longer terrified of Al Queda. Osama Bin Laden is a Saturday Night Live character of ridicule. Threats from Zawahiri do little more than get people to get off the couch and grab some potato chips. Too many people have gone too far and fully dismissed the threat, but I think the majority of Americans recognize the threat posed by Al Queda for what it is: a death cult that’s on the defensive and has to talk tough, but a death cult that can’t pull off another 911 as easily because we now have millions of Americans in all kinds of uniforms with their eyes open…and keen. On the night of September 11th, 2001 people had a tough time getting to sleep. They were concerned, worried, and had nightmare images in their minds. Today, the American people rest. They rest because they are assured that our defenses are no longer down or absent. They rest because of the cops on watch, the Marines in the field, the spooks on the loose, and so many more who are committed to no end to prevent another 911; to protect us. We rest so assured that we feel comfortable making jokes about the head-sawer-offers. Rather than ask if we rest too assured, it would be better to constantly, continuously, and emphatically thank every cop, every border guard, every firefighter, everyone who does anything to help combat and guard against the Islamic Holy Warriors. To them I again say thank you. Your efforts make us sleep at night and give us the comfortable courage to laugh when Adam Ghadan makes threats in “the latest video message.”

We are not terrorized, and they are not imposing their political will.

Re: “The only losers worse off than AQ are those leftist traitors like you who lie, defamed, stabbed us in the back, and betrayed us again, and again and again.”

Treason is a federal crime that carries the death penalty.

Are you saying that I should be put to death for my political beliefs?

“Treason is a federal crime that carries the death penalty. Are you saying that I should be put to death for my political beliefs?”

Punishment should reflect the scale of the crime. In your case, fifty lashes with a wet noodle for being naive enough to believe promote DNC talking points as if they were truth rather than the half truths they really are. Half a truth…is simply not the truth.

Lacking 50 lashes, I think it’d be nice you have to face reality and vote for a candidate who-like President Bush-promoted the invasion of Iraq, authorized it, supported it, funded it, called for more troops, and vows to continue it till 2013 if conditions warrant (ie if President Bush’s objectives are not met). Yeah, that’s a good punishment that fits the crime.

50 lashes with a wet noodle wouldn’t knock any sense into Steve, he is beyond any common sense.

You’re right. Making him vote for Hillary would be better. In effect it’d be his vote in support of a person who:

promoted the invasion of Iraq
authorized the invasion of Iraq after seeing as good or better intel than GWB
supported the war in Iraq
funded the war in Iraq
called for more troops in Iraq
and will continue the war until President Bush’s objectives are accomplished.

Having him pull a lever in support of such a person is my idea of the perfect punishment for his “crimes”

No need for us to put you to death Steve. You’ll do that to yourself if you are ever successful in handcuffing those who are doing everything they can to save your miserable life from the jihadis!

Next time you visit the Library Tower in L.A. or Fort Dix or JFK Airport just keep in mind that those places are still standing and still targets.


The only one talking about killing Americans with different political beliefs here is, and has been YOU. However, YOU project it onto us.

Please get some mental help for your projection issues and start taking some medication for your paranoia.

Also, no one has been executed for sedition and treason in years. In fact, several who committed these acts are now serving (and still serving) in Congress on the Democratic side. Even fools who attack US Soldiers/Marines and our families have virually NOTHING happen to them, so a useful idiot like you has nothing to worry about.

I think calling the DNC talking points as half truths is a complete overstatement. They’re not even close to being half of the truth.

Good point SealPatriot. I wish someone would take the Democratic Party back from the far left which now owns it (according to Move-On and others). Maybe then they might be someone I could vote for.

The thing about the DNC talking points (“screaming points” actually) is that they are also the islamofascists’ talking points. Yet very few in the Democratic party or their base seem concerned by this. In fact, looking at video and pictures from the left’s “anti-war” protests, they seem to welcome the islamofascists as allies while stabbing us in the backs.

“I think calling the DNC talking points as half truths is a complete overstatement. They’re not even close to being half of the truth.”


“I wish someone would take the Democratic Party back from the far left which now owns it”

And which potential President can do that? If the half-truth or less talking points are to be destroyed and replaced by full truth, if future threats (every President fights wars) are confronted, which potential President has the best chance at uniting the nation vs fueling another partisan divide over “another Vietnam” or “another Iraq”? I think Huck’s the best Republican for that, and O’s the best Dem for it.