Axis of Evil Buddies Hanging Out


The Laurel and Hardy of the axis of evil are at it again:


The presidents of Venezuela and Iran boasted Monday that they will defeat U.S. imperialism together, saying the fall of the dollar is a prelude to the end of Washington’s global dominance.

Hugo Chavez’s visit to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran followed a failed weekend attempt by the firebrand duo to push the Organization of Petroleum Exporting States away from trading in the slumping greenback.

Their proposal at an OPEC summit was overruled by other cartel members led by Saudi Arabia, a strong U.S. ally. But the cartel agreed to have OPEC finance ministers discuss the idea, and the two allies’ move showed their potential for stirring up problems for the U.S.

The alliance between Chavez and Ahmadinejad has blossomed with several exchanged visits — Monday’s was Chavez’s fourth time in Tehran in two years — a string of technical agreements and a torrent of rhetoric presenting their two countries as an example of how smaller nations can stand up to the superpower.

“Here are two brother countries, united like a single fist,” Chavez said upon his arrival in Tehran, according to Venezuela’s state-run Bolivarian News Agency.


“The U.S. empire is coming down,” Chavez told Venezuelan TV, calling the European Union‘s euro a better option and saying Latin American nations were also considering a common currency.

So a Marxist and a 12th Imam freak are now buddy-buddy.  United in their hatred of freedom and Democracy.  All the Che loving leftists just love Chavez and his brand of leadership.  Throw in Ahmedanutjob and they get a whole potpourri of terrorism, anti-semitism, censorship and loss of liberty.  Sprinkle in some oppression of women and their Heaven on earth, Venezuela and Iran, becomes a reality.

The “models” of how a country should be run.

But seriously, how is it that these liberals can put a man like Che, a cold blooded murderer, on a pedestal?  Or call for going into the Sudan to save those who can’t save themselves, but in the same breath curse the fact that we went into Iraq and liberated millions who now have their freedom? 

These same people are now calling for Iran to GET the bomb.  Just let them have it, it’s only fair you see?  These same people want a socialist society like Chavez is putting into place while they complain about the Patriot Act, which is nothing compared to what Chavez is doing down in his country.

And don’t forget,

He would sit down and talk to these yahoo’s:


Hypocrites, one and all.


I put up this post and then read this: (h/t Weasels Zippers)

Obama said candidates who did not understand foreign cultures, would have a tough time making good foreign policy decisions.

“If you don’t understand these cultures then it’s very hard for you to make good foreign policy decisions. Foreign policy is all about judgment,” said Obama.

“The benefit of my life of having both lived overseas and traveled overseas … is, I have a better sense of how they’re thinking and what their society is really like,” Obama said.

“A lot of my knowledge about foreign affairs isn’t just what I studied in school — I studied international relations when I was in college — it’s not just the work I do on the Senate foreign relations committee.

“It’s actually having the knowledge of how ordinary people in these other countries live.”

Because we all know part of leading the United States is understanding how foreigners think….what the hell?

Oh, and Obama….we know how that school of yours:


made you think:


You know your meandering in a post when you start with Chavez and Ahmedanutjob and end with Obama….or would you call that meandering?

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Allowing the dollar to fall is just a way of telling the suckers that we don’t owe you but 50 cents. The US economy is not based on the dollar, the world economy is, and the Miniture (retarded) Nazi and Chavez will soon learn a hard lesson.

Is the dollar dropping or other currencies rising? Take Mexico’s peso. As Mexico’s economy expands the peso rises in value. Let’s say it gets to the point that one peso equals one dollar. In that instance the dollar didn’t drop to the level of the peso, the peso rose to the level of the dollar.

I wouldnt call it a meandering post … Obama’s foreign policy plan is both naive and scary. And his chances get better with every Hillary gaff. And these are our choices?
It’s enough to make a moderate lean permanently right…
Kissing the arse of a thug only enables said thug to give you the ol’ reach around and stab you in the back.

No – It’s not meandering. It’s lumping the jerks together, where they belong. When Obama loses he can take a position as Hillary Clinton’s assistant working in the Ministry of Propaganda of the People’s Islamic Socialist Republic of Iranezuela.

One does wonder how the “Imam in a well” worshipper who outlaws communist and socialist (and any other non-sharia political group) in Iran cozies up to a far left socialist.

But then, Stalin and Hitler worked together to divide Poland; Hitler, the incompetent “Il Duce”, and Hirohito worked together to take on the world; Soviet Russia allied with Islamic terrorists in the 80s even while being attacked by them in Afghanistan; Sean Penn has never met a dictator he has not loved; and modern Russia would rather arm Iran and North Korea than work with the rest of the world to stop them.

In the end we find all of the above are nothing more than dictators with regional and global aspirations of absolute power.

And that is one of the many things the USA is fighting against. Too bad more of our population does not understand this, or has openly sided with the Islamic and socialist thugs.

“The benefit of my life of having both lived overseas and traveled overseas … is, I have a better sense of how they’re thinking and what their society is really like,”

I would argue not necessarily, I did too growing up overseas in the Sub-Continent among Hindus AND Muslims – and studied Anthropology because of it, not Politics or “International Relations” and arrive at a far different conclusion.
There are societies that accept corruption as a basic way of life, and which deny individual responsibilities in favor of collective ones. That’s not what we’re about, and bringing relativism into play in international negotiations isn’t a “solution” except for a watered-down and useless (Jimmy Carter) version of foreign policy.
Obama is a kid in clown pants if he thinks he’s goign to achieve anything serious in negotiation with the tubby and violent thug Chavez, or the fanatical killer-loon from Theran – they would take him to school.


Nice blog site BTW. Love the header… even if I had to read it twice to translate it 😉

You are so very correct about the politician or “international relations” major looking at the same culture a cultural anthropologist studies and seeing something totally different from reality the anthropologist knows is true. I witnessed similar events in Iraq with DOS people convinced that Iraqis thought one way and the Military, who left the IZ regularly and have studied the Arabic people for years, shaking our heads.

Of course, it is still infuriating when a fatalistic Arab sighs an “inshalallah” instead of being proactive, honest, and fixing whatever needs done. Though being that way means they also never take the blame for anything…. but always take credit…

So when did Venezuela get added to the Axis of Evil? Did they have an open slot in the roster after Iraq got knocked out? I always though it was Iran-Iraq-NoKo, maybe with Syria, Cuba or once upon a time Libya thrown in.

Is the dollar dropping or other currencies rising

If one currency were improving against the dollar, it would make sense to wonder which currency was actually moving. In order to get around this, the dollar’s strength is generally measured against a basket of currencies. And it has in fact been falling. See here for one graph.

Allowing the dollar to fall is just a way of telling the suckers that we don’t owe you but 50 cents. The US economy is not based on the dollar, the world economy is

It’s in part because chunks of the world economy are switching to the Euro that the dollar is falling. As for the ‘suckers’ argument, you’re right: the Chinese and Japanese, who hold vast reserves of both dollars and US Treasuries, are finding that these were a lousy investment. But just because they’re the first and most obvious losers from a weak dollar, it doesn’t follow that we are winners in this scenario. At the very least, you can expect that our resource imports (oil…) become more expensive, and that will eventually fuel inflation, no matter what Bernanke says.


Chavez is like a two-year old when you are talking on the phone. He just HAS to get attention. Well, cozying up to islamofascists, communist dictatorships, and madmen from Iran gets him attention. If that is not enough attention, then the growing violent crackdowns on his People by his government thugs should get him more (though that will never make CNN or ‘the big 3’)

The King of Spain treated him like the toddler he is. I think the world and People of Venezuela should (and some are) follow suite. Hopefully he will end up like is idol Che.

Thanks Chris! IMO the Imams cozy up to Leftist Socialists infidels because they provide a wedge, and their operational pattern can be mimicked as far as setting up a “security apparatus.” Saddam Hussein copied both Stalin and Hitler – Fascism is just the other side of Socialism.


Be careful, you will cause any leftist trolls to spastically convulse when faced with the fact of National Socialism and Global Socialism being two sides of the same coin. 😉

Having walked down the “Crossed Sabers” in Baghdad, my impressions were one of Saddam being a mix of Hilter, Stalin, the North Korean Kims, and “Ill Duce” all in one insane ball of fire.