Shhhhh! Don’t Tell Anyone That al-Qaeda Is Being Beaten


I don’t think we could find a better example of the blatant bias of our MSM then today’s story about how al-Qaeda has been routed in Baghdad. 

You would think thats an important story right?  Worthy of front page news right?

Not according to the New York Times.  Page A-19 baby!  To top it all off they name it:

“Rebel Unit Now Out of Baghdad, U.S. General Asserts”

Rebel unit?  UNIT?

This is al-Qaeda you jackasses!

American forces have routed Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, the Iraqi militant
network, from every neighborhood of Baghdad, a top American general
said today, allowing American troops involved in the “surge” to depart
as planned. 

Maj. Gen. Joseph F. Fil Jr., commander of United States forces in
Baghdad, also said that American troops had yet to clear some 13
percent of the city, including Sadr City and several other areas
controlled by Shiite militias. But, he said, “there’s just no question”
that violence had declined since a spike in June.

“Murder victims are down 80 percent from where they were at the
peak,” and attacks involving improvised bombs are down 70 percent, he

General Fil attributed the decline to improvements in the Iraqi
security forces, a cease-fire ordered by the Shiite cleric Moktada
al-Sadr, the disruption of financing for insurgents, and, most
significant, Iraqis’ rejection of “the rule of the gun.”

Check out today’s front page:


Just imagine if the story was reversed.  That AQ was routing the US and the Iraqi’s inside Baghdad.  Every single inch on that front page would be covered with it, but not now.

This fact should piss everyone off.

Andy McCarthy:

Obviously, this is not Page One material.  That space is reserved for running down a full-employment economy (the Dow is apparently down to “only” thirteen thousand three hundred), a big picture of Rudy with that ol’ Times fave Pat Robertson, the news that Bernie Kerik is about to be indicted, and cheers over a House vote in favor of “Broad Protections for Gay Workers.”

Has someone told Pinch that the ’08 election is next week? 

Listen to Rush Limbaugh’s take on this story:

Download File

As to the actual story it’s obvious that while there are still many hurdles to overcome The Surge is a brilliant success by a General who, if this success continues, will go down in the history books.  General Fil, the source for much of the story, says that the next phase must be a surge against a faltering infrastructure.  With the decline in fighting and violence they now have even more opportunities to bring those up to snuff. 

Not like the MSM would report on it tho.

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Hey great we won…so can we go home now? What’s the case for keeping American troops in Iraq after victory…nation-building, micromanaging Iraqi affairs, Iran, oh I’m sure you neo-cons will think of something.

Way to go with the reading comprehension. “Is being beaten” = winning, We are on the way to winning but cannot claim victory yet. Not one person has said we have won at this point but that shouldn’t matter to you seeing as how you only want to score a few political points with your pointless attack.

Right, John. The reason some Congresscritters wanted to resurrect the Armenian genocide at this moment had nothing to do with attempting to create supply-line problems for the troops over there, before they could go and win this thing.

Who is “we,” you jackass?

John, the order to start the withdrawal was issued back in September. Per the article:
“…allowing American troops involved in the “surge” to depart as planned.”

Part of that plan is to reduce troop levels to below pre-surge levels next June (with the bulk of US forces to be out before the election).

Suggest you look for some new issue to focus your political partisanship. An issue that wasn’t promoted authorized, supported, funded, and backed by Democrats like Hillary would be best. Good luck

Peeeeloshi is jumping on the surrender bandwagon again to appease the left wing idiots that should also know the withdrawal plan is in place. I guess after taking (stealing) $25-30 million+ to her personal bank account out of the pork in the water bill she is feeling her oats.

Bill Ardolino weighs in on why violence has declined in Iraq.

This must be some kind of joke.

Al Qaeda as a functioning military unit doesn’t exist, at least not in the same was as Hamas or Hezbollah.

Al Qaeda is mainly an ideology, an expression of Wahaabist Islam, and the so-called leaders and lieutenants on the wanted lists are based upon old outdated FBI files.

To suggest Al Qaeda is being beaten is ridiculous – when Bin Laden is captured or killed then one could say that a victory against Al Qaeda has been struck, but driving a few units from Baghdad (without actually bothering to establish where they emerged from) does not constitute victory in any sense.

This is an unwinnable war, there will never be a tangiable sense of “victory”.

Whilst all the Allied military hardware is sitting over there on display with a star spangled banner raised high above it, the majority of people who have to live with the consequences of the Iraq invasion earn less money in one year than it costs to fly a US soldier out there for two months.

After the rape of Fallujah’s women, the well documented torture and sexual degradation pictures taken by US troops at Abu Ghirab, and the overwhelming sense of misguided injustice – the Iraqi people on the whole will never, ever thank the US for getting rid of Saddam.

By removing him, on one hand you drove out a monster, but replacing him with a thousand more, all battling for power, has only worsened living conditions for every day Iraqis.

Like Afghanistan, following the US sponsored terrorist attacks against the Russians, it is a barren land filled with death, rival warlords, fear and desperate poverty.

That is no victory.

Is the USA a safer place now that a poverty stricken country has been bombed to smithereens?

Absolutely not.

This war always was unjustifiable, but in the wake of 9/11 the idea of being a Christian and turning the other cheek was unthinkable to the neo-conservative.

Initially calling the invasion a “crusade” was one of the darkest mistakes Bush made, because unlike most US citizens, residents of the Middle East remember their past all too well, and indeed some cultures and tribes have been at war since well before the United States as a country was even founded.

Even the most ardent American churchgoers disregarded one of the most
fundamental of God’s commandments – Thou Shalt Not Kill – as the bloodlust took hold.

I shall leave to you ponder what constitutes “victory” –

: when the country from where nearly all the 9/11 hijackers came from – Saudi Arabia – hasn’t even been threatened by invasion,

: when Bin Laden is still recording videotapes and laughing at the efforts of the Allied troops to find him,

: when Pakistan, America’s most important ally in the area, is on the brink of a dictatorship,

: when Israel’s acts of terrorism against it’s neighbours can no longer be justified,

: and when not even the most ardent minutemen could prevent a terrorist cell entering the USA via Mexico,

: and when the USA is about to go into a huge financial recession which could see rioting and looting and even the beginnings of a bloody civil war between neocon militias and the inner city gangs.

It is an insult to the brave men and women of the US who are fighting a in Iraq and Afghanistan to suggest that they are there for anything else but the childish whim of George W Bush, fighting the same war his daddy couldn’t win, at huge expense to the taxpayer just to protect oil interests.

The Bush family know nothing of world peace, of conservative values, they are oilmen, plain and simple.

Old Grandpa Bush even did business with the Nazis during WW2, so they aren’t exactly loyal to the American Way.

And I’ll tell you exactly why Saudi Arabia wasn’t invaded after 9/11, and why members of the Bin Laden family were rounded up and flown out of the country without even being questioned about their brother Osama – it’s because they could bring the USA to its knees with one phone call to the bank, and this is why they wanted Iraq out of the picture. It’s business, no more no less.

Face it – this is an Arab war, between Arabs, Bush was just stupid enough to get talked into sending US troops to fight what is essentially a Saudi battle, and all under the guise of doing God’s work, just like the Taliban.

I fear that this is the beginning of the end for the USA, like Rome before it, once mighty and proud people will crumble, and cities will burn, and a methamphetamine-fuelled Mad Max scenario will ensue under skies of un-natural colour.

And the right wing evangelist hypocrites will clap and cheer the born-again Christian, GW Bush, but secretly they fear for the futures of their unborn children and they will stockpile weapons, prisoners of their own creationist ignorance, the laughing stock of the world.

“I fear that this is the beginning of the end for the USA, like Rome before it, once mighty and proud people will crumble, and cities will burn, and a methamphetamine-fuelled Mad Max scenario will ensue under skies of un-natural colour.”

loosen the tinfoil hat, and I’m sure you’ll feel better-especially when you pull the lever for Hillary next November.

Peter, you have got to be kidding me. You honestly think we can declare victory when bin Laden is dead? 10 more will step up in his place, it’s a war of ideas and that you aren’t going to stop. This war can only be won one of two ways. Either you change the radical Islam culture of hate, or you bankrupt them of oil money and send them back to the Dark Ages chopping each up with swords and riding camels. Look I am a conservative leaning guy but I use a common sense approach. There is no way we can change their culture, hell Democrat or Conservative, everyone here is pretty much losing our rights these days. I think American morale is at an all time low. So if we don’t like ourselves, how are we supposed to positively affect the culture of hate in the middle east. Blame it on Bush, blame it on interest groups, or activist judges, whatever, bottom line is no one talks to each other anymore and our common ground is being lost as Americans. You are right, I fear this is the beginning of the end for America. This war is not only about Arabs, it’s a war of ideas. You either agree with radical Islam, or you are killed. It’s basically the same midset in Palestine. I’m all for a Palestinian state, but Hamas still hates Israel and every other person who doesn’t agree with them. It’s not Arab vs. Arab, in some cases it is, in most not. You liberal freaks call this an unwinnable war and that is simply not true. It’s a war of attrition, who’s ideas of the world can outlast the other guy. We might not beat them militarily everywhere, but we can sure as hell beat them with oil money and win. It’s so like a Democrat to only see the here and now. You make a compelling point about not invading Saudi Arabia but the fact of it is, YOU ALSO NEED OIL. If we would have invaded Saudi Arabia, you wouldn’t be able to afford living. After all I believe it was the Democrats who criticized Bush for invading a country for “just one guy.” Why invade Saudi Arabia for a few hijakers then? You are a hypocrite. I don’t deny Bush isn’t linked to oil. But unfortunately for the moment oil is still our life blood, yes even Democrats. We have to protect our oil interests for the time being to remain a sovereign nation. It sucks I admit, but that is only the half of it. The other half is that millions of people out there want to kill you and I and will stop at nothing short of the US becoming an Islamist state to get that. Just remember one thing Peter, the Clinton years where great for America, but they were better for al-Qaeda. Thanks and Merry Christmas if I’m still allowed to say that.

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