CNN Backing The Democrats….Shocker!


Quite curious how in the world CNN can spin a poll where they ask a question of only half a sample and proclaim it proof that America distrusts our military leaders:

32. As you may know, in September the top U.S. commander in Iraq will report to the President and Congress about how the war is going. If he reports that the U.S. is making progress, would that make you more likely to support the war, or would that have no effect on your view of the war?  (ASKED OF HALF SAMPLE)

Aug. 6-8


More likely to support the war 28%

No effect on your view of the war 72%

No opinion *

33. As you may know, in September the top U.S. commander in Iraq will report to the President and Congress about how the war is going. Do you trust him to report what’s really going on in Iraq without making the situation sound better than it actually is, or don’t you feel that way?  (ASKED OF HALF SAMPLE)

Aug. 6-8


Trust him to report what’s really going on 43%

Do not trust him to report what’s really going on 53%

No opinion 4%

So a little over 500 people were asked these question, we have no idea their political affiliations, no idea if they are likely voters or not.  Nothing.  Without these matrix’s this poll is complete and utter trash. 

Now that is some trustworthy work from our MSM.

This was an interesting comment left at Radio Blogger:

The make up of the half-sample is a random subset of the larger sample, or at least it should be. The earlier question indicated 68% of the respondents already have their minds made up, either to favor the war or not. This is the key to understanding the 72% number.

The 21% who favor the war and already have their mind made up will not favor the war any more than they already do when Petraeus reports. Add those 21% to the 47% who have already made up their mind to oppose the war, and you get 68%, which is close to 72%.

The question was framed in a way that makes it sound as if 72% of Americans have given up on the war. In fact, only 47% have. Clever, and deceptive, propaganda…

Which would mean less then half of Americans have given up on the war.  Think maybe that should be headlined by CNN?  Instead we get this:

Poll: Majority mistrustful of upcoming Iraq report

How about the fact that 47% think the military is making progress in Iraq.  2% said it depends and 2% had no opinion.  So close to half think their doing a good job.  Might be a good headline. 

The campaign by the Democrats and their shills (MSM) began last week to ensure that Gen. Petraeus’s report is taken with a grain of salt.  This is just one more attack in their campaign.  Expect many more of these polls until September.

And expect me to shine the spotlight on the oversampling done and blatant bias that creeps into the MSM…cough, excuse me, that creeps into the reporting done by those knights who occupy the "sacred and magical" newsrooms.


Another great comment left at RadioBlogger explaining the use of half samples and how the second question is a loaded one:

The half sample questions are designed to measure one thing in two variations — a good practice when you think wording might cause differing responses. If you asked both questions of the same person, you might start adding bias as the interviewee’s view of later questions is conditioned by prior information/ responses.

The margin of error on the half sample is around +/- 4.3 percent, based on sub-sample size and population.

However, I note that the questions avoid assigning the brand that is General Petraeus. "Top general" doesn’t sound different from earlier generals who got it wrong. "Petraeus" may invoke positive assessments based on news about this man being different, picked to fix what was broke.

The second half sample question seems loaded to me, introducing the idea that maybe you shouldn’t trust this unnamed general.

Thought experiment: what if the question had been the following?

"General Petraeus" was selected by the President and confirmed by a bipartisan majority in the Senate to turn the military situation in Iraq around. This September he will report to Congress on the military and political situation in Iraq. If General Petraeus reports positive progress, how would your support for continued U.S. military operations in Iraq change? Would you be more supportive, less supportive or would it have no effect on your opinion?

We’ll hold our breath for that wording.

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The Communist News Network (CNN) is required to support the party member (Clinton), is anyone surprised? Reagan refused to kiss the A$$ of the media and they hated him, along came Slick Willie who not only kissed it he kept his head up so far and long he can see in the dark. Then we have GWB who runs the country and the he** with the idiots in the dying media and the dimwit party, so they hate him to. Rove called the democrats and news types what they are and they are having some type of fit (to be named later by the medical experts), something in line with a shopping center blowup by a spoiled brat. I don’t know if we can stand much more of the democrat comedy, but the rest of the world is enjoying watching people (democrats) being more stupid than they are. The people of Darfur are having a feel good moment watching the stupid democrats make fools of themselves and show the world that a backward country has more ‘smarts’ than the American Democrat party.

Chrissy Matthews at PMSNBC (Rush’s favorite) spent a whole segment yesterday (8/16) on the entegrity of the Petraeus report. He’s already framing it as “Bush’s Report”. Of course, any positive report in Sept must be stamped out by the MSM or the Dems will lose support from al queda and the rest of the “we hate America” crowd.

I might add that Matthews’ commentors in the segment were Mark Williams and Paul Hackett (both conservatives) and Williams had Matthews flabberghasted. The video is priceless. I’ll try to find the link.


Why doesn’t CNN make it easy on itself and just say they won’t believe anything the September report by Gen. Petraeus rather than doing this half sample question nonsense?

We already know their bias is showing.

Talk about getting desperate to find polls that are counter to the reality.

Zogby, Ras, Gallup, you name it…

Support for the initial invasion is back on the rise
Support for success in the war is back on the rise
Congressional Approval is actually lower than the President’s

Only 3% of Americans approve of Congress’ New Direction in Iraq (their handling of the Iraq War).

Can’t squirm from that one.

What we’re seeing is a denialist setup similar to that before the fall of the statue in Baghdad. People will be shocked and awed when they have to actually report that the US soldiers they “support” are actually doing some good.