iPhone Madness

So the iPhone is out and the madness begins And for what?  A 500 dollar phone that can’t do video with it’s camera, uses the ever so slow EDGE netword …

The Great Fish Scandal

The lefties are getting desperate: WASHINGTON – The House Natural Resources Committee announced Thursday that it will hold hearings into Vice President Dick Cheney’s involvement in Klamath River water management …

Advertising Poll

Check out the Reader Survey on the sidebar and take the poll please so my advertisers can understand what kind of crap to sell you guys.  It’s supposed to be …

London Bomb Discovered

A car bomb was found and defused early this morning in London: Police thwarted a terror attack Friday near the famed Piccadilly Circus in the heart of London, defusing a crude …

Deja Vu?

Bob at Confederate Yankee has discovered that the AP is up to it’s old tricks.  This time it was in a report about 20 beheaded bodies found 14 miles southeast …