Debunking the Vast Nutter Right-Wing Conspiracy


Do you fear the Council of Foreign Relations as some secret government within a government cabal? Is the idea of building a NAFTA superhighway driving you off the cliff of reason and sanity? Do you worry about what the price of an amero will be? Do you lose sleep and sense of security at night, wondering what The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America has planned for your nation’s future? Skull & Bones? Freemasonry?

This post is for Gayle, who has had concerns about the North American Union Conspiracy.

Human Events, as everyone should know, is very right-wing. If there was anything to the North American Union, you’d be sure to know about it from Human Events.

But read John Hawkins’ There isn’t going to be a North American Union and Killing the North American Union Conspiracy. You should be able to sleep peaceably at night, after that. If you are still worried, then I doubt anyone can help you, anymore than anyone can help 9/11 Truthers from believing that a vast government conspiracy was behind the bringing down of the Towers.

Conspiracy theories are not easily killed. Any logic used to counter the conspiracy…well, that’s all just excused away as part of the conspiracy (hey! Maybe I’m part of the conspiracy! Muwahahahaha!!!). John Hawkins writes:

if the SPP and the Bush Administration are actually working on a North American Union, despite their denials, where’s the hard proof? Not, "Well, look at Bush’s position on illegal immigration." Not, "This language on the SPP website sounds kind of similar to this language in the CFR report." Not, "There’s a college professor who thinks this is a good idea." Where’s the real proof that the Bush Administration is actually working on an Amero or merging the U.S. with Canada or Mexico? There is none and there won’t ever be any offered. That’s why conspiracy theorists love to try to bog people down in minutiae. Sure, lots of people saw planes hit the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, but let’s ignore that and talk about the temperature that steel melts at and the size of the hole in the building at the Pentagon. That’s how they trick people in missing the big picture. With the North American Union conspiracy theory, nobody ever talks about how this could practically be brought about when it would be almost universally opposed by the American people and would likely require a Constitutional Convention to pull off.

Hawkins’ other piece concludes:

then believe your own knowledge of how the U.S. Government works. To merge the United States into a North American Union would obviously require a whole host of Constitutional Amendments. In fact, so many would be necessary that the only possible way to accomplish it would be through a Constitutional Convention, an event that hasn’t occurred in over 200 years and that would require the support of 34 state legislatures to be possible. So, even if George Bush or any other U.S. President were so inclined to create a North American superstate, he would be powerless to do so unless he were able to rally 2/3 of America’s state legislatures to his side.

Michael Medved has also talked about this on his radio program on a number of occasions; and wrote two blog posts:
Shame on Demagogues Exploiting "The North American Union"!
Flushing Out Fear-Mongers from Their Fever Swamps

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Thanks for the post Word, it’s sorely needed. I’ve found it incredible how some can be taken in by such nonsense. How in the world could anyone really believe this? It boggles the mind, but after listening to 9/11 truthers I have learned that people just want a conspiracy to talk about. Something to occupy them.

Please people, show some common sense.

I expect it from the nuts playing on the left side of the ballpark; but when it comes from those standing in right field, it’s painful to watch, and embarrassing.

What is “amero>”

The difference between the right wing nutters and the left wing crazies is that we do our best to keep our Neanderthals at arms length.

The Democrats embrace theirs.

Case in point: Did you see any right wing crazies sitting next to the Bush family in the Presidential box at the GOP National Convention in 2004?

But you did see Michael Moore sitting in the Presidential box with Jimmy Carter at the Dem convention.

I don’t know enough about the SPP and the North American Union “conspiracy”, but what I do know about it, combined with current events, especially our government’s “treason” on illegal immigration and border security, I would compare the NAU “conspiracy” to the Man-made global warming “conspiracy”. Curt had a post about Al Gore and the liberal elite’s goal of starting with global warming and then using that as stepping stool to a global one world socialist government. You talk to any liberals and they will think THAT is a ridiculous conspiracy.

What I do know is

(1) The US government is in favor of amnesty and will do NOTHING to stop illegal immigration or enforce the laws on the books about illegal aliens
(2) The Bush Administration is practically allowing Mexico to write our immigration laws and our border security rules
(3) 2 border security agents are going to jail for DOING THEIR JOBS

That is just off the top of my head. Now, whether that translates to a future NAU, I don’t know. But I am completely incensed about just the 3 things I listed above and have lost ALL faith in my government, because of them. I have also lost all faith in the American people, because they are not up in arms about (1)-(3) above and are not up in arms about the great global warming swindle.

Personally, I don’t call people who have lost faith in the US government and connect a lot of shady, borderline treasonous, activity by the US government into a “conspiracy” of the NAU. The illegal immigration stance of the government alone has me unbelieveably angry and has shot to hell any thoughts I had that my voice meant anything to elected officials.

And again, I feel it is pretty ridiculous of you to compare the NAU “conspiracy” to the 9/11 conspiracy. The NAU conspiracy is closer to the great global warming swindle, if you ask me.

And I believe in the great global warming swindle and am pretty worried that most of the ignorant, dumbed down American public is going to be swindled by it as well and we will be headed toward socialism here in America soon. Considering the US Government has no problem shoving illegal immigration down our throats, it is not too much of a stretch to believe they have an NAU on their minds as well.