Another Biased Poll About Bush


I read this headline this morning and was a bit skeptical. 

Bush Poll Ratings Before Speech Fall to Nixon’s Level

Then I read the article:

President George W. Bush’s approval ratings are now the lowest for any president the day before a State of the Union speech since Richard Nixon in 1974, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Sixty-five percent of those surveyed said they disapprove of how Bush is handling his job as president while 33 percent approve. The rating matches Bush’s career low in a May 2006 poll.

Seventy-one percent of Americans said the country is on the wrong track, up from 46 percent in an April 2003 poll, the month after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. A majority of those polled this month don’t approve of how Bush is handling the Iraq war, terrorism or the economy.

And I became even more skeptical.

And guess what?  My skepticism was justified.  Take a look at who ABC/WaPo polled:


Hmmmm, so they oversampled Democrats by 22 points!  22 friggin points people.

And there is no bias there?


It’s kind of curious that Howard Dean uses this obviously biased poll to ask for donations with his email today:

Dear Xxxxxxx,

This president’s approval ratings have sunk to levels unseen since Richard Nixon.

That’s right — going into his State of the Union speech, George Bush’s popularity matches the Republican who became so deeply and universally disliked that he resigned from office. Americans have had it with this president.

So today, I want to talk to you about the next President.

You may not know everything about all the Democratic candidates yet. But let me assure you of one thing: building on our success in 2006 and continuing to grow the Democratic operation everywhere this year is absolutely critical to ensuring that a Democrat wins in 2008.

The media and the Democrats walking hand in hand.

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Another reason why this blog is a must read–thanks Curt for the great work 🙂

You amaze and bless me everyday with your analysis and sharp eye. God bless you!


It’s comments like yours that keep me going =)

Democrats outnumber Republicans in this sample because Democrats outnumber Republicans in the general population.

Last November our great nation delivered a rousing bitchslap to the GOP cult of corruption in case you’ve forgotten.

How retarded. The general population in every poll is around 34/31 Democrat/Republican. Do you homework before you leave asinine remarks.

Bitchslap? You barely have a majority….and thats a bitchslap?

Go back to your bong, maybe you will grow more braincells.

Retards like Myers will never figure out that they did worse in 06 than the historical average for a mid-term election in a Presidents second term. That sure isn’t something to brag about. A lot of people have figured out just how bad they screwed up voting for the dhimmi’s also. You can’t get anyone in this area to admit the voted for the idiot Webb when you know some of them are dhimmi’s that would vote for the dying Castro before they’d vote for someone with a brain. The vote, figure out they screwed up and then lie like a worthless dog. Hey that’s what Webb did to get into office. I say we give them all 8 years in office and a dhimmi president. After the country is destroyed, again, they will be whining for another Reagan or Bush. Did anyone gain anything more than a corn bread living in the 90’s other than the Clinton’s criminal gang? I can find several of the millions that lost their entire life savings and retirement accounts to the Slick/Algore worldcom con, but no one that gained wealth.

Never trust a poll. Myers would probably attempy to answer the question, ‘Have you stopped beating your wife”.

How do media companies usually conduct their polls(web, phone, etc.)? One of the things that always struck me as odd is what kind of viewers tend to flock to certain sites. Like MSNBC would, I imagine, get a higher amount of liberal traffic so wouldn’t their polls tend to be a little lopsided? Also as a side note, when Truman fired McArthur, Truman’s approval ratings were as bad as Bush’s but he is now viewed today as pretty much having made the right choice.

If someone does a post-SOTU speech poll and it’s NOT as biased as this one, then it’s gonna look like he’s gotten a huge leap.