You Know, Education, If You Make The Most Of It….


Gotta tell ya, the Simpsons doing this kind of episode on Veterans Day just makes me sick. While I love South Park, and to a lesser extent The Simpsons, for the very reason that they will poke fun at every side but there is a time and a place. Something the Simpsons never learned I suppose.

The day that we honor all the soldiers who have died for this country is not the day to air an episode in which they degenerate our heroes: (h/t Hot Air

[flv:simpsonsmilitary.flv 400 300]

While laughing at ones self is good for a persons character I just do not find anything remotely funny about Hollywood trying to prove John Kerry’s beliefs. To top it off we have Lisa giving the Democratic talking points:

Do you see now that an invading force can never defeat a motivated local population.

Yes, yes….we will never win so lets just “redeploy” to Okinawa and leave them Iraqi’s to fend for themselves. We were the bad guys to begin with anyways.


It doesn’t matter how one feels about Iraq and Bush. These young men and women serving our country deserve better then this.

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If you don’t like, why don’t you start your own cartoon?

Good luck with that. e_e


The military is just fodder for your bigotry.

You and Wordsmith don’t care about “service” or valor or sacrifice or patriotism or America or the soldiers that serve.

It’s sad that you never had to sacrifice for your freedom – you just might appreciate it if you had.

PS. The war is going bad. Really. I know the troops are working really hard to keep it together, but alas, it is going bad.

I am not saying that in the future it might not go good. However, right now it is going bad. Really bad. That is not the MSM. It is just going bad.

Dang! I couldn’t even watch all of it. My husband is a Vietnam Vet retired Warrant Officer 3 with 20 years service to our country. He wasn’t raised poor. He came from an upper middle-class family, graduated at the top of his class, and UCLA granted him a full scholarship. He also had an offer to work for the Bank of America. He refused and joined the Army instead, as a Private. Many people in this country fight for the right of Americans to remain free. They are patriots, pure and simple! This sort of crap makes kids believe that it’s okay to put down the military and it makes my blood boil!

Thanks for letting me rant. I’ll never watch the Simpsons again!

The scene that sets the premise for all this isn’t in that clip. In it, we see a knight-robot transformer pulling a sword from a Tolkien-esque and taking out all sorts of threats, in what is one of the funniest satires of those Marine-dragonslayer ads I’ve ever seen.

Point is, the recruiters aren’t selling the job on its philosophical merits. They’re marketing it to youth who feel they have little power in their lives as a way to get some, by appealing to their love for fantasy danger.

That, and the specific targeting of low-income, low-ed candidates, is what’s being mocked. Rightly so.